Service Development 10.15 | Known Issues
Known Issues
This section lists any issues for the current release that were known when this readme was published. For known issues found later, go to the Knowledge Center on the Empower website.
Designer on macOS does not apply the Classic or Light theme correctly when macOS is in Dark Mode.
As a workaround, use the same theme on both macOS and Designer.
Designer shows the following issues while creating a flat file schema from a sample file:
*When you select delimited and variable length record parser types, Designer does not enable the focus on the "Next" button for the first time after providing the record parser details.
*When you select "Delimited with fixed length fields" as record parser type, Designer does not recognize the record delimiter for the last record.As a workaround for the first issue, you need to click on the "Next" button twice.
There is no workaround for the second issue.
Designer does not enable the Edit menu options when assets are created using the File menu.
While creating the assets using the "File > New" menu, Designer does not enable the Edit menu options, such as, 'Cut', 'Copy', and 'Paste' immediately after the assets are created.
As a workaround for the issue, you can either change the selection to a different node under 'Package Navigator' after the assets are created or create the assets using the right-click context menu.
Designer does not expand the assets in the Package Navigator automatically when a consumer REST API Descriptor (RAD) is generated.
In the Linux operating system, when a consumer RAD is generated, Designer does not expand and refresh the generated assets automatically in the Package Navigator view.
As a workaround for this issue, right-click on the folder and select 'Refresh'; or press F5 to refresh the generated assets in the Package Navigator.
Moving or renaming a gRPC descriptor, gRPC method flow service, or gRPC document type breaks the gRPC descriptor implementation.
While Designer permits moving and renaming of gRPC descriptors and its associated artifacts, moving, renaming, or copying and pasting any of these elements breaks the gRPC descriptor.
To place a gRPC descriptor and its artifacts in a different location, first delete the existing gRPC descriptor and then recreate it in the new location.
Designer does not display the indentation ruler while creating a flat file schema for fixed length parser types.
In Linux, while creating a flat file schema using a sample file for fixed length parser type, Designer does not display the indentation ruler for fields and subfields.
There is no workaround for this issue.
Logged Fields view fails to reflect the updated signature structure.
If you merge a service signature structure, then the Logged Fields view does not reflect the updated signature structure.
There is no workaround for this issue.
Issues with compare and merge functionality for Adapter elements.In Designer, compare and merge functionality for Adapter elements allows you to track and merge changes from the same server or from different servers and from the version control history. However, the following issues exist with this functionality for Adapter elements:
*Sometimes, comparing two adapter services that are created with the SELECT template fails after updating the element, as the compare editor highlights only the empty rows and cells.
*For Adapter update Notification elements, row indexes are improperly calculated while merging the "Added" table data from left to right direction.
*In some cases merging two different Adapter Services fails with following exception:
"Internal error. Unexpected value at ' Expected '', actual 'null'."
There are no workarounds for these issues.
In the IS Asset Compare view, you cannot merge the enabled or disabled property of a flow step or transformer obtained from comparing two Integration Server elements.
There is no workaround for this issue.
During refactoring, preview of the new and old value is unavailable for webMethods messaging trigger.
There is no workaround for this issue.
When you use Team Foundation Server (TFS) as your VCS client, TFS issues an IllegalArgumentException exception when sharing the local service development project.
To work around this issue, clear the 'Connect mapped projects to TFS automatically' check box in Window > Preferences >Team > Team Foundation Server before sharing the local service development project.