Service Development 10.15 | Added, Removed, Deprecated, or Changed Items | Release 10.1
Release 10.1
Added Items
*Support for REST V2 resources REST V2 resources provide a flexible way of defining resources for REST requests. In the Service Development perspective, a developer can define a REST V2 resource with operations that include the following:
*The format of the URL that REST clients must follow when sending requests to Integration Server acting as the REST server.
*The HTTP methods supported by the resource operation.
*The flow service associated with a resource operation.
*Support for REST API descriptors for REST V2 resources In addition to creating REST API descriptors from resources that use the rest directive, the Service Development perspective now provides the ability to create REST API descriptors from REST V2 resources.
*Support for REST API Descriptor from Swagger Document The Service Development perspective now provides the ability to create REST API descriptors from external Swagger documents accessible through a URL, a REST resource on API Portal, or a REST resource residing in CentraSite.
*Microservices Container running in a Docker container as local service development server. Designer provides support for the local service development feature to use a Microservices Container running in a Docker container as the local development server.
Removed Items
*REST Resource Configuration The REST Resource Configuration page of the Properties dialog box for a selected service option has been removed.
An alternate option is provided through the creation of new REST V2 assets.