Service Development 10.15 | Added, Removed, Deprecated, or Changed Items | Release 10.2
Release 10.2
Added Items
*WebSocket Endpoints You can configure a WebSocket endpoint that act as a server or client type. Implementation of WebSocket endpoints and its accompanying services enable you to develop and deploy applications that communicate with clients.
*Circuit Breaker You can configure a circuit breaker feature for a service that resides in a webMethods Microservices Runtime. To configure a circuit breaker with a service running on Integration Server, your Integration Server must have additional licensing.
*Sync to DES property for IS document types Indicates whether Integration Server automatically synchronizes this document type with a corresponding Digital Event Services event type definition in the Digital Event Services repository upon save. Set this property to true if the document type is used to define the structure and content for the value of an “any” field in a document that is published to Digital Event Services.
*Enhancements to REST API descriptor
*Designer provides a Swagger UI view that surfaces the open source Swagger UI and Try it out option developed for Swagger.
*Swagger Syntax Coloring preference page is now available to set the font color and styles of tokens in a Swagger document.
*Run option in the REST API descriptor editor enables execution of selected REST operations available in REST API descriptor.
*Enhanced support for REST V2 resources New properties are added to the property view of a REST V2 resource.
Removed Items
*Creating an IS document type from a file in webMethods Content Service Platform No replacement. The webMethods Content Service Platform is no longer available.