Service Development 10.15 | Added, Removed, Deprecated, or Changed Items | Release 10.3
Release 10.3
Added Items
*EXIT step Exit from property value $iteration The Exit from property now includes $iteration as a possible value to specify exiting from an iteration of the nearest ancestor LOOP or REPEAT flow step.
*Enhancements to REST V2 resources for JSON API support
*Designer provides following options for JSON API support in the rest resource creation wizard: “Empty Rest resource and Document type based REST resource” while creating a rest resource.
*Designer provides an additional tab called "Attribute configuration" for adding attributes to the REST V2 resource.
*New property “Generate JSON API URLs” is added to the property view of a REST V2 resource.
*Integration Cloud preference Integration Cloud preference page enables Designer to connect to Integration Cloud (Window > Preference > Software AG > Integration Cloud).
*Support for Recipes in Integration Server / Designer A new view called ‘Recipes’ is added under Window > Show View > Other… for viewing, searching, installing, and downloading the Recipes in Designer.
*Support for try-catch block for flow services Designer provides the TRY, CATCH, and FINALLY flow steps to assist failure handling in flow services
Additionally, Designer provides a new context menu option called “Transform to > Try Catch Step / Try Finally Step” for SEQUENCE flow step.
Designer displays a warning icon along with the message upon mouse hover in the flow editor for a semantically incorrect combination of the TRY, CATCH, and FINALLY steps.
*Deployment to Integration Cloud Using Designer, you can now seamlessly deploy your on-premise Integration Server packages and configuration assets to solutions present on Integration Cloud.
*Wrap response root element Specifies whether Integration Server should wrap the output signature and generate the root element for the REST response.
*Match payload with Swagger Specifies whether Integration Server should match the JSON format request payload for REST APIs as per the Swagger definition or according to the service input signature.
Changed Items
*EXIT step Exit from property The default value of the Exit from property is now $parent which indicates the flow will exit from the parent flow step, regardless of the type of step. Previously, the default value was <blank> which equated to nearest ancestor LOOP or REPEAT flow step.
*Serial webMethods messaging triggers that receive documents from Universal Messaging now process documents from a publisher in publication order in a load-balanced fashion. Previously, a webMethods messaging trigger with serial processing corresponded to a priority named object on a channel on Universal Messaging server. Now, a serial webMethods messaging trigger corresponds to a serial durable subscription (named objects in Universal Messaging are now called durable subscriptions). This provides processing in publishing order for a serial trigger in a cluster or a non-clustered group of Integration Server. Over time, it allows for the Integration Server in a cluster or non-clustered group to process messages in a load balanced fashion.