Service Development 10.15 | Added, Removed, Deprecated, or Changed Items | Release 10.7
Release 10.7
Added Items
*Retention of the protocol buffer definition for a publishable document type that uses protocol buffer encoding. When you save a publishable document type for which protocol buffers is the encoding type, Integration Server creates a protocol buffer definition. The protocol buffer definition represents the structure and content of the document type as a protocol buffer, including the names, types, and attributes for the fields. Integration Server saves the human-readable protocol definition file named pdt.proto in the same location as the node.ndf for the publishable document type. Previously, Integration Server did not retain the protocol buffer definition.
*XML Schema Definition Language 1.1 support Integration Server now provides support for many of the features introduced in XML Schema 1.1. A detailed list of supported features and unsupported features can be found in the webMethods Service Development Help.
*Prefetch cache support for JMS triggers JMS triggers that receive messages from Universal Messaging can now use a prefetch, or consumer, cache. Each time the JMS trigger requests more messages from Universal Messaging, the JMS trigger can retrieve multiple messages which are then placed in a cache. The JMS trigger processes messages from the cache instead of requesting messages from Universal Messaging.
*OpenAPI based provider REST API descriptors Users can create a provider REST API descriptor using an OpenAPI document that conforms to the OpenAPI specification 3.0.x.
*Delimited with fixed length fields record parser types When you create a flat file schema from a sample file, if each record is separated by a record delimiter and fields are of type fixed length, you can select “Delimited with fixed length fields” option.
*Create flat file schema without dictionary Clear “Create flat file schema with dictionary” check box if you want to create the flat file schema without a flat file dictionary.
*Configuring a Universal Messaging server When you want to deploy Universal Messaging configurations assets to Cloud Container, you must configure Designer to connect to a Universal Messaging server under “Window > Preferences > Software AG > Universal Messaging”.
*Choose the REST operations from the selected Swagger document While creating a Swagger based consumer REST API descriptor (RAD), you can select the REST operations to be included in the generated RAD.
*Support to view and debug the cloud assets using the Cloud Explorer view toolbar The Cloud Explorer view in Designer lists all the active solutions present in the Cloud Container along with the packages and Integration Server elements.
*Multiple packages can be moved to Integration Server packages directory You can select single or multiple packages and move them to the Integration Server directory by right-clicking the package(s) and selecting “Move Project to IS Package” in Package Explorer view.
*REST V2 resources support HTTP HEAD method Designer provides the HEAD option as one of the supported HTTP methods in the REST V2 resource editor.
*Environment variables can be used as values of substitution variables during ACDL- based deployment. When deploying to Cloud Container or any other ACDL-based deployment, the value of an environment variable can be used as the substitution value.
*Enhanced support for JSON Schema Integration Server offers enhanced ease of use while working with JSON Schemas. The enhanced JSON Schema feature provides lucid and easy to understand messages while creating and validating JSON documents using the built-in JSON schema services. With the enhanced support, JSON document types can be validated when used in the flow service signature at runtime.
Removed Items
*Creation of REST resources and REST API descriptors using the legacy approach
Deprecated Items
*Digital Event Services Digital Event Services is deprecated. Use webMethods messaging to send and receive events.
Changed Items
*webMethods Broker (Deprecated) property category The webMethods Broker (Deprecated) category name has been changed to Universal Messaging and Broker to reflect that the properties can be used with JMS triggers that receive messages from Universal Messaging as well as from Broker. Note that webMethods Broker remains deprecated.
*GraphQL Descriptor resolver service The output signature of the resolver services for a GraphQL Descriptor is modified. The $outputObjectType field is removed from the output of the resolver services and the $typeName field is added to all the object, interface, and union document types. However, the old resolver services that have $outputObjectType continue to work.