Service Development 10.15 | Added, Removed, Deprecated, or Changed Items | Release 10.15
Release 10.15
Added Items
*Additional properties for custom packages Designer now includes the following optional properties only for custom packages. You can view and change these properties on the Package Attributes screen.
*Display Name: An alternative name for a custom package, which can include special characters that are not allowed in the package name during package creation.
*Trusted: Indicates whether a custom package is verified to use in production. Software AG recommends to use the property along with some variation of code signing in your VCS system.
*Status: Indicates the current state of a custom package. The statuses can be used to manage the package life cycle and can be customized in the Package Status preferences in Designer.
*Tags: A list of values that you can use to search and group custom package assets. You can add new tags or remove existing tags.
Now, the Build property is editable. Additionally, the Description property supports multiple lines of text, which is editable and scrollable.
*Concurrent requests limit properties Designer allows you to limit the number of concurrent executions of a service to minimize the issues that a few services might cause by consuming all the available resources to respond to a request in Integration Server.
*Option to skip reloading of dependent packages Designer includes an option to skip package reloading when the package on which it depends is reloaded or replaced. To skip reloading of dependent packages, clear the "Reload this package if any of the above packages are reloaded or replaced" check box in the package properties for the dependent package.
*Package Documentation Designer now includes the Generate Package Documentation option in the package context menu and the Apply and Generate Documentation option in the Package Attributes screen of the package properties to update package documentation when package attributes or contents change.
*Preferences for Package Status Designer now allows you to add, edit, and remove package statuses under Window > Preferences > Software AG > Service Development > Package Status.
Removed Items
*Element Information Designer now excludes Element Information of a package from the package properties.
*Publishing and retracting asset metadata to CentraSite Integration Server 10.15 no longer supports publishing and retracting asset metadata to CentraSite. In addition, the WmAssetPublisher package has been removed from Integration Server. Designer 10.15 can still publish and retract asset metadata from CentraSite when connected to a Integration Server version 10.11 or earlier.
Changed Items
*Package Settings to Package Attributes In package properties, Package Settings is renamed to Package Attributes.
*Patch History The Patch History table is removed from Package Settings and is now accessible directly under package properties.