Service Development 10.15 | Added, Removed, Deprecated, or Changed Items | Release 9.12
Release 9.12
Added Items
*Comparing and merging JMS triggers, adapter services, and adapter connections JMS triggers, adapter services, and adapter connections can now be visually compared and differences between versions can be merged. Previously, merging was available only for flow services and IS document types.
*Debug to Here Debug to Here option in the context menu allows you to debug a flow service up to the specified flow step.
*Data Mapper Data Mapper view in Designer allows you to execute, modify, and test a MAP step without saving the flow service.
*ForEach mapping Designer provides ForEach mapping approach in the pipeline view of a MAP step to simplify array mapping and array data processing.
*Move project to Integration Server package as linked resource Move project to Integration Server package as linked resource option in the Local Service Development Preferences, allows you to set any repository on your workspace as the local repository directory and a linked directory is created under the Integration Server_directory\instances\default\packages directory.
*Digital Event Services (DES) From Designer, a user can integrate with Digital Event Services using the existing webMethods Messaging infrastructure. Also, Annotations property is now available for publishable document types that use the IS_DES_CONNECTION messaging connection alias.
*Search and Refactor Search functionality now provides the ability to search for a variable and identify all references to that variable in other assets, such as flow services, document types, specifications, and triggers. The Refactor option in the context menu allows you to refactor the input/output variables of various Integration Server assets (for example, flow services, Java services, specifications, documents type).
*API Portal The API Portal metadata repository type in the Asset publish wizard helps a user to configure connections to API Portal and publish REST API descriptors.
Changed Items
*Processing mode property default The default processing mode for JMS triggers and webMethods messaging trigger is now changed from Serial to Concurrent. The value for ‘Max execution threads’ is changed from 10 to 1.
*Encoding type property default The default encoding type for publishable document type associated with a Universal Messaging connection alias is now Protocol buffers. Previously, the default encoding type was IData.