Service Development 10.15 | Documentation Changes | Release 10.7
Release 10.7
*Service Development Help contains a new topic, “OpenAPI Based REST API Descriptors”, which explains how to create a REST API descriptor based on an OpenAPI document and the details of the various assets that Integration Server generates.
*Service Development Help contains a new topic, “Using the Cloud Service Development Feature”, which explains how to access the cloud service development perspective and use the feature.
*Service Development Help contains a new topic, “Universal Messaging Preferences”, which explains the fields on the “Window > Preferences > Software AG > Universal Messaging” page.
*Added a new topic, "Mapping Integration Server Content Type Constraints to Swagger Type Constraints" in the "Working with REST API Descriptors" chapter of the Service Development Help.
*The contents of the “REST Developers Guide” are merged into the “Service Development Help” under “Working with REST API Descriptors” chapter and under a new chapter “Appendix”.