Service Development 10.15 | Documentation Changes | Release 10.11
Release 10.11
*Service Development Help contains a new topic, “OpenAPI-Based Consumer REST API Descriptors” under the chapter “Working with REST API Descriptors”, which describes how to create a consumer REST API descriptor using an OpenAPI document.
*Service Development Help contains a new topic, “Using Smart Mapping” under the “Mapping Data in Flow Services” chapter, which describes the functionality to simplify the mapping between the pipeline variables for MAP and INVOKE steps.
*Service Development Help contains a new topic “Working with gRPC Descriptors” which describes how to create an executable IS asset from a gRPC service definition in a .proto file.
*All UDDI-related contents are removed from Service Development Help including the “Working with UDDI Registry” chapter and the “UDDI Registry View Icons” and “UDDI Registry View Toolbar” topics.
*The “Building Cloud Connector Services” and “Creating Connector Listeners” chapters are removed from Service Development Help and are available in “webMethods CloudStreams Connector Concepts Guide”.