Database Component Configurator 10.15 | Other Resolved Issues | Release 10.11
Release 10.11
Added support for ReAuthenticateUser to reauthenticate and reauthorize the user for DBC using Kerberos authenticated database.
With webMethods Process Engine, deadlock errors occurred.
With MySQL database, storage cleaner procedure caused deadlocks in database.
The issue is resolved.
In the Define Environments page of Optimize, you cannot delete an environment that uses a PostgreSQL database. Also, when you open the Edit Environment page of such an environment, you cannot use the Map All function more than once.
The issue is resolved.
When TN nodes in the cluster are restarted simultaneously, there are multiple cluster notifications between nodes to refresh document types that caused the ORA-01555 Snapshot Too Old error.
The issue is resolved by increasing the PCTVersion value on the TypeData column of the BizDocTypeDef table.
A java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException exception occurred during OAuth initialization after migrating to Integration Server 10.3. This issue occurred as some migration paths do not add the SCOPE_DESCRIPTION column to the IS_OAUTH_SCOPE table.
The issue is resolved, and the fix adds the SCOPE_DESCRIPTION column to the IS_OAUTH_SCOPE table.
*WDA-1777 (DC_10.3_DCC_Fix8)
The error *java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "XRF"*appears during database migration from 912 - V103.
The issue is resolved.
Space between product code issue fixed for command central.
With webMethods Process Engine, the storage cleaner encountered a deadlock.
The issue is resolved.
With webMethods Monitor, services took a longer time to retrieve data. This issue occurred because the SQL query used by the pub.monitor.process.instance:getInstanceList service tool a longer time.
The issue is resolved by migrating the Process Audit database component to version 81.5.