Database Component Configurator 10.15 | Added, Removed, Deprecated, or Changed Items | Release 10.5
Release 10.5
Added Items
*Graphical user interface The Database Component Configurator graphical user interface is reintroduced in this release.
*Ability to export and import field values to .xml files by clicking Export or Import on the GUI or by specifying the -e|--export or -i|--import options on the command line You can export and import field values to .xml files by using a user-created script that contains the command line parameters that are used by the dbConfigurator script. For example, for Linux, the command line parameters can be copied to a shell script, such as:
% echo './bin/ --component "ISI" --action "drop" --version latest --url “jdbc:wm:oracle://<host>:<port>;serviceName=<name>" --user "<user>" --password "<password>" --admin_user "<admin_user>" --admin_password "<admin_password>" --dbms Oracle --dbname "<name>" --tablespacedir "c:\\app\\test"' >
% sh ./
For example, for Windows, the command line parameters can be copied to a bat file, such as:
c:\dir\>echo bin\dbConfigurator.bat --component "ISI" --action "drop" --version latest --url "jdbc:wm:oracle://<host>:<port>;serviceName=<name>" --user "<user>" --password "<password>" --admin_user "<admin_user>" --admin_password "<admin_password>" --dbms Oracle --dbname "<name>" --tablespacedir "c:\\app\\test" > run-isi-drop.bat
This approach is superior to the DCC import/export functionality, because you can store passwords in the shell script or bat file.