Release 10.5
Added Items
Graphical user interface The Database Component Configurator graphical user interface is reintroduced in this release.
Ability to export and import field values to .xml files by clicking Export or Import on the GUI or by specifying the -e|--export or -i|--import options on the command line You can export and import field values to .xml files by using a user-created script that contains the command line parameters that are used by the dbConfigurator script. For example, for Linux, the command line parameters can be copied to a shell script, such as:
% echo './bin/ --component "ISI" --action "drop" --version latest --url “jdbc:wm:oracle://<host>:<port>;serviceName=<name>" --user "<user>" --password "<password>" --admin_user "<admin_user>" --admin_password "<admin_password>" --dbms Oracle --dbname "<name>" --tablespacedir "c:\\app\\test"' >
% sh ./
For example, for Windows, the command line parameters can be copied to a bat file, such as:
c:\dir\>echo bin\dbConfigurator.bat --component "ISI" --action "drop" --version latest --url "jdbc:wm:oracle://<host>:<port>;serviceName=<name>" --user "<user>" --password "<password>" --admin_user "<admin_user>" --admin_password "<admin_password>" --dbms Oracle --dbname "<name>" --tablespacedir "c:\\app\\test" > run-isi-drop.bat
This approach is superior to the DCC import/export functionality, because you can store passwords in the shell script or bat file.