Installer 10.15 | Complete Installation and Upgrade Information for Software AG Products | Installing Software AG Products On Premises | Preparing for Database Component Creation | Prepare for Database Component Creation in MySQL | Install the MySQL Community Edition Database Driver for Integration Server, Microservices Runtime, and Hosted Products
Install the MySQL Community Edition Database Driver for Integration Server, Microservices Runtime, and Hosted Products
Download the MySQL Community Edition driver to the Software AG_directory \IntegrationServer\lib\jars\custom directory.
For MySQL Community Edition, you must specify the useCursorFetch parameter in the URL to prevent the return of all the query results in a single batch. The MySQL JDBC driver used with the MySQL Community Edition does not honor the cursor fetch size when returning the results of an SQL query. Instead of returning the JDBC-configured number of rows for each cursor fetch to Integration Server, the MySQL JDBC driver returns all the rows for the query in a single batch. This can result in the exhaustion of the available heap memory for Integration Server. Any JDBC connection pool that connects to MySQL Community Edition must specify the following connection option in the Database URL: useCursorFetch=true