CentraSite Requirements
You can install the
CentraSite Registry Repository and Application Server Tier on different machines, in different directories on the same machine, or in the same directory but at different times (that is, in two different runs of the installer). Whichever approach you follow, you must always install the Registry Repository first.
If you are going to install multiple instances of CentraSite components on the same machine:
Each instance of the
CentraSite Registry Repository, Application Server Tier, and
Platform Manager must use unique ports.
Software AG recommends that you have all Application Server Tier instances on the machine running before you install a new Application Server Tier instance, so the installer can warn you if a port is already in use.
All Registry Repository instances on the machine must be shut down before you install a new Registry Repository instance. However, because the instances are not running, the installer will not be able to warn you if the default port is in use; you will have to find and assign a unique port yourself.