ActiveTransfer Gateway
If you are installing ActiveTransfer Gateway, select Run as Gateway (reverse proxy) on the ActiveTransfer Server/Gateway page. ActiveTransfer Gateway operates as a reverse proxy and does not need a database script. ActiveTransfer Gateway streams files to the ActiveTransfer Server without storage.
Provide a Registration port. If you want to change the default registration port for ActiveTransfer Gateway, set the new value in the mft.gatewayServer.port parameter in the property file \IntegrationServer\instances\<instance_name>\packages\WmMFT\config\properties.cnf. Restart Integration Server after you change this property.
Provide a valid license file for ActiveTransfer Gateway. The license file is located at \IntegrationServer\instances\<instance_name>\packages\WmMFT\config\licenseKey.xml. You must replace this file with a new license file, if you need to change the license file after the installation. Restart Integration Server after changing the license file.