Installer 10.15 | Complete Installation and Upgrade Information for Software AG Products | Using the Software AG Installer | Using Console Mode to Install | Listing the Available Artifacts
Listing the Available Artifacts
You can use the list artifacts command to see the products and fixes available for your installation.
To list all artifacts available on Empower, use the following command:
./<SoftwareAGInstaller>.bin list artifacts --release 10.11 --username <empower_username> --password <empower_password> --verbose
When connecting to Empower, make sure you provide your username and password to connect successfully.
To list all artifacts available in an image, use the following command:
./<SoftwareAGInstaller>.bin list artifacts --installer-image <full_installer_image_path>
Additional options:
*--platform <Platform> Allows you to select a platform and only the products and updates for this platform are shown. Only usable when listing artifacts from Empower.
*--fixes ALL Allows you to display all updates in the result. If this option is not specified, only the latest updates are displayed.
*--format <format> Allows you to select the format in which to display the results. Valid values are json and plain (default). If the option is not specified, the results are displayed in plain text.
*--output-file <full path where result will be saved> Allows you to save the displayed results in a file. If the option is not specidied, the result is printed on the console.
For more information on using the list artifacts command, use the list artifacts help command with the Installer.
This functionality is not available for releases lower than 10.11.