Install Platform Manager Using the Command Central Bootstrapper
After installation is complete, Platform Manager will be running and ready for use.
1. Log on to the target machine as the installation user you created when you installed Command Central.
2. Follow the instructions in your installation email from Software AG to download the Command Central bootstrapper for your operating system.
Software AG refreshes the bootstrapper with new fixes. Always use the latest bootstrapper to install Platform Manager.
If you download the UNIX bootstrapper and then transfer it to another machine, set the transfer tool you are using to binary mode.
3. Launch a command shell. On Windows, launch using Run as Administrator.
cc-def-release-fixnumber-operating_system.{bat|sh} -D SPM --accept-license
The following table shows arguments you can specify on the command to override the default values.
Argument | Value | Default |
-H host_name | DNS name or IP address for Command Central to use to connect to Platform Manager after installation. | Machine on which you are running the bootstrapper |
-d path | Full path to the directory in which to install Platform Manager. | Directory from which you are running the bootstrapper |
-s port_number | HTTP port to use for Platform Manager. | 9082 |
-S port_number | HTTPS port to use for Platform Manager. | 9083 |
-p password | Password for the Platform Manager Administrator user account. If you are installing in a production environment, Software AG recommends you provide a strong, user-defined password. | manage |
-P root_password | On UNIX, sudo password to use to register a daemon for Platform Manager. Note: You can register daemons at a later time by re-running the bootstrapper with this argument. | |
To install
Platform Managers on the hosts linuxhost1, solarishost2, and windowshost3, in the /opt/softwareag directory, on HTTP port 9997 and HTTPS port 9998, change the Administrator password to
manage456, and register a daemon using the sudo password
linuxhost1>./ -d /opt/softwareag -D SPM
-H -s 9997 -S 9998 -p manage456 -P superuser123
solarishost2>./ -d /opt/softwareag -D SPM
-H -s 9997 -S 9998 -p manage456 -P superuser890
windowshost3>cc-def-10.7-fix1-w64.bat -d C:\softwareag -D SPM
-H -s 9997 -S 9998 -P manage456