sagcc list diagnostics logs
Lists the log files that a specified run-time component supports. Information for log files includes:
Location of the log file
Log ID for the log file
Date the log file was last modified
Size of the log file
This command returns information about the log files rather than the contents of the logs. To retrieve the contents of the log, use
sagcc get diagnostics logs.
Command Central syntax:
sagcc list diagnostics logs node_alias runtime_componentid [logid]
Platform Manager syntax:
sagcc list diagnostics logs runtime_componentid [logid] [options]
[{--accept | -a} content_type]
[{--debug | -d}]
[{--error | -r} file]
[{--format | -f} {xml | json}]
[{--log | -l} file]
[{--output | -o} file]
[{--password | -p} password]
[{--quiet | -q}]
[{--server | -s} url]
[{--username | -u} user_name]
Arguments and Options
Argument or Option | Description |
node_alias | Required. Only for Command Central. Specifies the alias name of the Command Central that manages the run-time component for which you want to retrieve information. |
runtime_componentid | Required. Specifies the ID of the run-time component for which you want to retrieve information. |
[logid] | Optional. Specifies the ID of the log for which you want to retrieve information. |
[options] | Optional. Refer to the command syntax for a list of the options the command supports. For a description of the options, see
Common Options. |
Usage Notes
If you do not specify the
{--format | -f} option, the default output format is tab-separated values text.
Examples When Executing on Command Central
To list all log files for the run-time component that has the ID “OSGI-SPM” and is managed by the
Command Central registered as “is-dev”, using the authorization of the user with user name “Administrator” and password “manage”, and have the information returned to the output file “loginfo”:
sagcc list diagnostics logs is-dev OSGI-SPM --output
loginfo --username Administrator --password manage
To list information for the log file with ID “default.log” from the run-time component that has ID “OSGI-SPM” and is managed by the
Command Central registered as “is-dev”, using the authorization of the user with user name “Administrator” and password “manage”, and have the information returned to the console in JavaScript Object Notation format:
sagcc list diagnostics logs is-dev OSGI-SPM default.log
--format json --username Administrator --password manage
Examples When Executing on Platform Manager
To list all log files for the run-time component that has the ID “OSGI-SPM” and is managed by the
Platform Manager with host name “rubicon2” and port “8092”, using the authorization of the user with user name “Administrator” and password “manage”, and have the information returned to the output file “loginfo”:
sagcc list diagnostics logs OSGI-SPM --server http://rubicon2:8092/spm
--output loginfo --username Administrator --password manage
To list information for the log file with ID “123124” from the run-time component that has ID “OSGI-SPM” and is managed by the
Platform Manager with host name “rubicon2” and port “8092”, using the authorization of the user with user name “Administrator” and password “manage”, and have the information returned to the console in JavaScript Object Notation format:
sagcc list diagnostics logs OSGI-SPM 123124 --server
http://rubicon2:8092/spm --format json --username Administrator
--password manage