sagcc exec provisioning bootstrap nodes
Installs a Platform Manager node on a local or remote machine using the Command Central bootstrap installer, specified in the input file, and registers the new Platform Manager installation under a specified node alias.
Command Central syntax:
sagcc exec provisioning bootstrap nodes nodeAlias [isSecure={true | false}] [credentialsAlias=credentialsAlias]
-i bootstrap-info-file [options]
Not supported on
Platform Manager.
Option | Description |
nodeAlias | Required. Alias name of the bootstrapped Platform Manager installation that you want to add to the target machine. |
[isSecure={true | false}] | Optional. Indicates whether to use HTTPs to connect to Platform Manager. Valid values: true - Use HTTPs. false (default) - Do not use HTTPs. |
[credentialsAlias=credentialsAlias] | Required when using Command Central 10.11 or higher. The credentials alias to use for the Administrator user for Platform Manager. See the usage notes for more details about this argument. |
-i bootstrap-info-file | Required. An input file in XML format that specifies the bootstrap details for installing Platform Manager. For examples of boostrap info files in XML format, see the "Example Bootstrap Info Files". |
[options] | Optional. Any common option supported by the Command Line Interface (see
Common Options) |
Usage Notes
You can use this command to install
Platform Manager only if the target UNIX or Windows operating systems have Open Secure Shell (OpenSSH) installed and are configured for remote access. For information about how to install and configure OpenSSH on Windows operating systems, see the OpenSSH documentation.
You can download the
Command Central bootstrap installer for the release that you require from the
Empower Product Support website. Save the downloaded
Command Central bootstrap installer file into the
$CC_HOME/profiles/CCE/data/installers directory, so that you can specify the installer in the input file when running this command.
Based on the release version of
Command Central, when you include the
[credentialsAlias=credentialsAlias] argument, the command does the following:
Command Central 10.11 or higher, the value for the
[credentialsAlias=credentialsAlias] argument is required for any
Platform Manager version that you want to install.
Software AG strongly recommends that you use a credentials alias with a strong password. You can set the strong password either in the ADMINISTRATOR credentials alias (which does not have a default password value), or create a custom credentials alias.
Command Central 10.7 or lower, the value for the
[credentialsAlias=credentialsAlias] argument is not required for any
Platform Manager version that you want to install. If you omit the argument, the command uses the DEFAULT_ADMINISTRATOR credentials alias, which has a default password value.
Software AG strongly recommends that you use a custom credentials alias with a strong password.
After you execute the
sagcc exec provisioning bootstrap nodes command, use the
sagcc get landscape nodes command to verify the node status. For example:
sagcc get landscape nodes sag01 --expected-values ONLINE
--wait 60 --check-every 5
where “sag01” is the alias name of the bootstrapped Platform Manager installation.
When the execution of the
sagcc get landscape nodes command is successful, you can apply templates onto the new
Platform Manager installation. For more information about the
--wait, and
--check-every options see
wait, and
The input file that specifies the bootstrap details for installing
Platform Manager uses the following XML schema:
To install
Platform Manager on the local machine:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
To install
Platform Manager on a remote machine:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
The following table describes the parameters in the input file:
| |
hostname | Required. The hostname of the machine on which to install Platform Manager. |
installer | Required. The bootstrap installer file to use when installing Platform Manager. |
port | Required when bootstrapping on a remote machine. The SSH port number to use to connect to the remote machine. |
credentials | Required when bootstrapping on a remote machine. Includes information about the SSH credentials to use to connect to the remote machine. |
authenticationType | Required when bootstrapping on a remote machine. Specifies the authentication type to use when connecting to the remote machine. Valid values: NONE BASIC TRUSTED |
authenticationMethod | Required when bootstrapping on a remote machine. Specifies the authentication method to use when connecting to the remote machine. Valid values: PASSWORD INTERACTIVE CERTIFICATE |
userName | Required for authenticationType: BASIC and authenticationMethod: PASSWORD. Specifies the SSH user name. |
password | Required for authenticationType: BASIC and authenticationMethod: PASSWORD. Specifies the SSH user password. |
substituteUserCredentials | Optional. Specifies the details of a substitute user to use to install and start Platform Manager. |
installDir | Required. The directory in which to install Platform Manager. |
httpPort | Required. The Platform Manager HTTP port. |
httpsPort | Required. The Platform Manager HTTPs port. |
Example Bootstrap Info Files
To install Platform Manager on the local machine in the "C:\sag\cc" installation directory, using the "cc-def-10.11-fix1-w64.bat" bootstrap installer and the "9092" (HTTP) and "9093" (HTTPs) ports:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
To install Platform Manager in the "/home/localUser/softwareag installation directory of a remote machine with hostname "sag1", using the "" bootstrap installer and the "9092" (HTTP) and "9093" (HTTPs) ports. The SSH user to connect to the remote machine is "sagSshUser" and "localUser" is the substitute user that will install and start Platform Manager:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
Example When Executing on Command Central
To install Platform Manager on the local machine using the bootstrap details provided in the bootstrapInfo.xml file, the "myNodeCredentials" credentials alias for the Platform Manager Administrator user, and HTTPs as the transport protocol:
sagcc exec provisioning bootstrap nodes localhost isSecure=true credentialsAlias=myNodeCredentials
-i bootstrapInfo.xml