Installer 10.15 | Complete Installation and Upgrade Information for Software AG Products | Command Central | Using the Command Line Interface | Security Credentials Commands | sagcc add security credentials sharedsecret
sagcc add security credentials sharedsecret
Add shared secret for a landscape. Beginning with version 10.15, Command Central does not support creating a shared secret for an environment, and always uses the global shared secret defined for the whole landscape.
*Command Central syntax:
sagcc add security credentials sharedsecret  secret=text_string  [options]
*Not supported by Platform Manager.
Arguments and Options
Argument or Option
Specify a shared secret password that Platform Manager uses to encrypt or decrypt configuration passwords.
Optional. The command allows all options supported by the Command Line Interface. For a description of the options, see Common Options.
Examples When Executing on Command Central
*To configure “mysecret” as the global shared secret for the landscape:
sagcc add security credentials sharedsecret secret=mysecret
*To update the proxy server details for a run-time component with ID “OSGI-SPM” that runs in the installation with alias name “sag01”:
1. Configure “secret123” as the global shared secret:
sagcc add security credentials sharedsecret secret=secret123
2. Retrieve the instance data for the configuration instance with ID “COMMON-PROXY” for the “OSGI-SPM” run-time component that runs in the “sag01” installation:
sagcc get configuration data sag01 OSGI-SPM COMMON-PROXY  
--output  configWithEncryptedData.xml
The configWithEncryptedData.xml file contains the proxy details including the password, encrypted with the global shared secret “secret123”.
3. Edit the proxy details in the configWithEncryptedData.xml file as required without changing the encrypted password.
4. Update the instance data for the configuration instance with ID “COMMON-PROXY”:
sagcc update configuration data sag01 OSGI-SPM COMMON-PROXY  
--intput  configWithEncryptedData.xml
Command Central updates the proxy details using the data in the configEncryptedData.xml file and the “secret123” global shared secret.