Migrating a Product Instance
When migrating a product instance, you can define the instance properties you want to migrate in a template. The instance properties to include in the template depend on the product that you migrate and how you migrate it, for example as a single product instance or in a cluster. For details about the migration settings required by the migration utility of each product, see Upgrading Software AG Products On Premises.
# Required. Name of the new instance on the target node
# (and name of the source instance, when "src.instance.name:" is not included in the template).
instance.name: newInstance
# Name of the instance to migrate.
src.instance.name: oldInstance
# Only for MWS or UM instances in a cluster. The name of the new cluster node that hosts the instance.
node.alias: newNodeName
# A new host name if required, for example if you want to rename the old host.
node.host: newHostName
# Only for MWS or UM instances in a cluster. The name of the old cluster node.
src.node.alias: oldNodeName
# The name of the old host if required, for example if you want to rename the old host.
src.node.host: oldHostName
# The version of the source and target nodes if required.
src.version: sourceNodeVersion
dest.version: targetNodeVersion
# Required. The JDBC URL and user creadentials of the cloned database.
db.url: {}
db.username: {}
db.password: {}
src.instance.name: ${src.instance.name}
node.alias: ${node.alias}
node.host: ${node.host}
src.node.alias: ${src.node.alias}
src.node.host: ${src.node.host}
src.version: ${src.version}
dest.version: ${dest.version}
db.url: "${db.url}"
db.username: ${db.username}
db.password: ${db.password}
The following table shows how Command Central maps the instance properties from the template to the migration settings of the product utilities when migrating an instance:
Instance property in template | Maps to this migration utility setting |
instanceName | -newInstanceName or if src.instance.name is not included, maps to -instanceName |
src.instance.name | -instanceName |
node.alias | -newNodeName |
node.host | -newHostName |
src.node.alias | -oldNodeName |
src.node.host | -oldHostName |
src.version | -srcVersion |
dest.version | -destVersion |
db.url | -cloneDbUrl |
db.username | -cloneDbUser |
db.password | -cloneDbPassword |
If the template includes custom migrate-xxx-yyy-sbs.dat migration settings files, the files are passed to the migration utility as the -importFile parameter.