Integration Server 10.15 | Added, Removed, Deprecated, or Changed Built-In Services | Release 10.0
Release 10.0
Added Services
*pub.flow:HTTPRequest Document type that represents information about the HTTP request received by Integration Server.
*pub.flow:HTTPResponse Document type that specifies the HTTP response information to be returned by Integration Server to the client.
*pub.restV2:listAllRESTResources Lists the REST resources configured using the URL template-based approach for a specified Integration Server service or for all the Integration Server services in a specified package. These REST resources are invoked using the restv2 directive.
Removed Services
*pub.event.nerv:eventToDocument No replacement service because the pub.event.routing:subscribe service, which replaces the deprecated pub.event.nerv:subscribe service, handles the conversion of the incoming JMS message into an IS document (IData).
*pub.event.nerv:send Use pub.event.routing:send.
*pub.event.nerv:subscribe Use pub.event.routing:subscribe.
*pub.event.nerv:unsubscribe Use pub.event.routing:unsubscribe.
Changed Services
*pub.client:ftp Updated the input parameter secure to include useJSSE as a child parameter.
*pub.client.ftp:login Updated the input parameter secure to include useJSSE as a child parameter.
*pub.client:http You can now supply a value in the data/bytes input variable when the method input variable is DELETE.
* Added input parameter isDetached to indicate whether the signature should be detached or not.
Added input parameter keyName which is the name that is used by the signer to communicate a key identifier to the recipient.
Added input parameter keyNameValue to indicate whether to include the key value (RSAKeyValue or DSAKeyValue), based on the certificate used for signing. The KeyValue element contains a single public key that can be used in validating the signature.
The certData input parameter now includes X509_CRL as an option.