Integration Server 10.15 | Added, Removed, Deprecated, or Changed Parameters | Release 10.1
Release 10.1
Added Parameter
* Specifies whether the asynchronous notification of Adapter Runtime can use CSQ (Client side Queueing) when publishing to JMS provider.
*watt.server.http.interceptor.enabled Specifies whether an HTTP interceptor is enabled for Integration Server.
*watt.server.http.interceptor.impl Specifies the fully qualified name of the java class for the HTTP interceptor implementation.
*watt.server.http.interceptor.preprocess.sizeLimit Specifies the maximum number of bytes that an HTTP interceptor reads during preprocessing.
*watt.server.http.uriPath.decodePlus Specifies whether or not the '+' character is interpreted as a ' ' when it appears in the path component of the request URI .
*watt.server.jms.trigger.startupFailure.retryCount Determines the maximum number of retry attempts that Integration Server makes to start a JMS trigger after the trigger fails to start.
*watt.server.oauth.requirePost Indicates whether Integration Server requires that client invoke the pub.oauth services via an HTTP POST request.
*watt.server.rg.internalsocket.timeout Specifies the length of time, in milliseconds, that Enterprise Gateway Server allows a client request to wait for a connection to the Internal Server before terminating the request with an HTTP 500 Internal Server Error.
*watt.server.service.list.treatEmptyAsNull Specifies whether Integration Server assigns a null value to all list data types like Document List, String List, Document Reference List, and Object list during the execution of a flow service without an input value.
*watt.server.stats.logFilesToKeep Specifies the number of stats.log files that Integration Server keeps on the file system, including the current log file. When Integration Server reaches the limit for the number of stats.log files, each time Integration Server rotates the stats.log, Integration Server deletes the oldest archived stats.log file.
*watt.server.stats.logRotateSize Specifies the file size at which Integration Server rolls over the stats.log.
*watt.server.uri.decodePath Specifies whether or not the '+' character is interpreted as a ' ' when it appears in the path component of the request URI.
*watt.server.serviceErrorsAsLogged Specifies whether the Integration Server administrator should display the service errors under "Statistics" page according to the actual number of errors logged in the WMERROR table.
* Specifies whether Integration Server must process the value assigned to the pipeline variable while loading a flow service thereby enhancing the search operation and displaying the search results much faster.
*watt.server.enterprisegateway.ignoreXForwardedForHeader Specifies whether Integration Server must ignore the 'X-Forwarded-For' request header while processing the rules in Enterprise Gateway. If this property is set to 'true' then Integration Server ignores the 'X-Forwarded-For' request header and considers the proxy server's IP address as the host IP address. If the property is set to 'false' then Integration Server obtains the actual host IP address from the 'X-Forwarded-For' request header. Default value is 'true'.
Removed Parameters
* No replacement. This parameter specifies the maximum content length of an HTTP request that the WmTomcat package will process. The WmTomcat package has been removed from the product.
* No replacement. This parameter specifies how WmTomcat can create fewer cookies to prevent the web application from logging out because of exceeding the browser cookie limit. The WmTomcat package has been removed from the product.
Changed Parameters
* The default value of this parameter is now 0. Integration Server uses the new default value for new Integration Server instances only.
*watt.server.http.preserveUriReservedChars Changes to this property no longer require a restart of Integration Server to take effect. The changes take effect immediately.
*watt.server.oauth.requireHTTPS If you set the value of this property to true and the client application accesses any of the pub.oauth services over HTTP, Integration Server issues an HTTP 400 error response to the client and writes a service exception to the error log. An HTTP 400 error indicates a client error. Previously, Integration Server issued an HTTP 500 error, which indicates a server error. According to the OAuth Framework , it is a client error when the client does not use a secure channel.