Integration Server 10.15 | Added, Removed, Deprecated, or Changed Java APIs | Release 10.11
Release 10.11
Added APIs
* Class containing methods for configuring the parameters used by the SAML token generator.
* Class that defines the exception thrown if something goes wrong when generating the SAML2.0 Bearer token.
* Class that contains method to generate a SAML2.0 Bearer token using the parameters from SAMLAssertionParams.
*com.softwareag.util.PKCE.createCodeVerifier Generates a cryptographically random, high entropy string that is suitable to use as a code_verifier.
*com.softwareag.util.PKCE.createCodeChallenge Uses the code_challenge_method to transform the code_verifier to produce a code_challenge to provide to pub.oauth:authorize.
*com.softwareag.util.PKCE.pkceMatch Checks that the code_verifier matches the code_challenge.