Integration Server 10.15 | Added, Removed, Deprecated, or Changed Items | Release 10.11
Release 10.11
Added Items
*Support for OpenAPI- based consumer REST API descriptors. Integration Server supports creating a consumer REST API descriptor using an OpenAPI document that conforms to the OpenAPI specification 3.0.x.
*gRPC support Integration Server can receive and process messages for methods defined in a gRPC service definition. This support is provided by a gRPC server embedded within Integration Server and by Designer functionality that consumes a proto file describing one or more gRPC service definitions and generates the Integration Server artifacts that will be used to implement the logic of the gRPC methods. Integration Server supports unary methods only.
*Azul JDK 11. Integration Server now ships with Azul JDK 11.
*Dashboard configuration The Dashboard in the new Integration Server Administrator has configuration options that control the resources used to gather, index, and save metrics that the Dashboard displays.
*Server Threads row on Statistics page The Server > Statistics page now includes a row for server thread usage, including the current threads and the maximum threads allowed for the server thread pool.
*Path Based routing support in Integration Server Administrator Path-based routing from products such as NGINX and Kubernetes ingresses can now be mapped to the new Integration Server Administrator at /WmADMIN.
*Metering simulator Integration Server now includes a metering simulator that, when enabled, will generate server log messages that let you see the transaction usage that will be sent to the metering server if all the metering criteria is met.
*Docker image for Microservices runtime can exclude web services functionality. The is_container script for building a Docker image now includes an optional argument. -Dexclude.components to exclude the web services functionality while building a Docker image for Microservices Runtime.
*Additional alert channels in Integration Server Integration Server now includes the following additional alert channels: Metering Log, User Management and Master Password.
*Dismiss notifications A notification on Integration Server Administrator now displays the “Dismiss this notification” button on hover. Dismissing a notification marks it as read.
*Ignore or report notifications A notification on Integration Server Administrator now displays the “Ignore such notifications” button on hover. Ignoring a notification clears all such notifications from the list and does not display such notifications in the future.
The ‘Additional actions’ menu provides access to 'Ignored notifications' where a 'Status' toggle is provided to switch between 'Ignore' and 'Report' for each notification type. Toggling the status to ‘Report’ lets you subscribe to an ignored notification type.
‘Report all notification types’ is provided to subscribe to all notification types.
*The “isquiescesettings” asset type is added to the Integration Server administrative assets. The asset type along with the substitution values are listed in the ACDL that Deployer uses to deploy the quiesce settings from source to target servers.
*Ability to disable server activities for quiesce mode. The quiesce mode configuration has been updated to specify that certain Integration Server tasks can be disabled while in quiesce mode. This includes the following tasks: audit logging, alerts and notifications, statistics data collector, and system tasks that interact with a database.
*SECRET_PATH environment variable Specifies the path to a Kubernetes Secret inside a container. Passing the SECRET_PATH ENV variable with the docker run command allows sensitive data stored in a Kubernetes Secret to be referenced from a configuration variables template.
*Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) for OAuth The OAuth implementation in Integration Server now supports Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) at the server level. If PKCE is required for OAuth clients when Integration Server is the authorization server, public OAuth clients must provide additional inputs when using the authorization code grant type.
*application/merge-patch+json media type for PATCH Event lifecycle logging The Administrator API now supports the application/merge-patch+json media type for PATCH operations. Event lifecycle logging, also called trace logging, uses a trace logger to create detailed logs describing the flow of a message (event) as its published by a Universal Messaging client, routed through Universal Messaging, and as its received by the subscribing Universal Messaging client. You can configure the UM client in Integration Server to perform event lifecycle logging.
Removed Items
*OpenJSSE OpenJSSE was used in 10.7 for TLSv1.3 support. Integration Server now ships with Azul Zulu JDK 11, which includes TLSv1.3.
Deprecated Items
*webMethods Mobile Support feature and the WmMobileSupport package. None
Changed Items
*The redesigned Integration Server Administrator is now the default administrator interface. When you launch Integration Server Administrator, the new interface loads by default with the URL host:port/WmAdmin. In release 10.7, the legacy interface loads by default at the URL host:port and the new interface is accessible through the “Try the New Administration Console" option. You can access the legacy interface in 10.11 using the URL host:port/WmRoot/.
*New algorithm for securing outbound passwords and master passwords. Integration Server now uses an Entrust AES algorithm with a 256-bit key for securing outbound passwords and master passwords. This is a FIPS-certified algorithm. When an earlier version of Integration Server is migrated to version 10.11, the migration utility changes all existing passwords to use the new algorithm.
*Secret field on the Security > OAuth > Client Registration > Edit page is now masked Integration Server Administrator now masks the contents of the Secret field. Click Reveal Secret to show the secret. Click Hide Secret to mask the secret again.
*Multiple tenant connections can be created for an on-premise Integration Server connecting to webMethods Cloud or Previously, only one tenant connection could be configured for an on-premise Integration Server that received requests from webMethods Cloud or Now, an on-premise Integration Server can have multiple tenant connections and each tenant connection can have a separate set of credentials and URLs. Each account on an on-premise Integration Sever is still associated with a single tenant, however, you can choose which tenant connection the account uses. Multiple accounts can use the same tenant connection.
*webMethods Cloud > Settings page is now webMethods Cloud > Tenant connections page An on-premise Integration Server can now have multiple tenants. The Settings page was renamed to reflect the expanded purpose of the page.
*Messaging menu The Messaging menu in Integration Server Administrator now has submenu items for configuration and trigger management for each type of messaging (webMethods messaging, JMS, MQTT). Previously, the Messaging > Messaging Configuration page contained the links to the DSP pages for configuration and trigger management.
Additionally, the following menu items have been shortened:
*webMethods messaging settings to webMethods settings
*webMethods trigger management to webMethods triggers
*JMS trigger management to JMS triggers
*MQTT trigger management to MQTT triggers
*Diagnostic utility archive can include logs from layered products. Layered products, those that run on top of Integration Server such as Active Transfer, can include log files in the archive (.zip) file produced by the diagnostic utility by registering their product logs with the utility. Refer to layered product documentation to determine if layered products support including log files in the archive created by the diagnostic utility.
*Diagnostic utility archive now gathers data for webMethods messaging and JMS messaging The diagnostic utility now collects messaging information such as trigger conditions, JMS connection alias information, and messaging connection alias information.
*Extended settings page The Settings > Extended page (which displays all of the server configuration parameters) now displays more information in a single view. Specifically, the revised page displays available parameters, assigned values, default values, and whether server restart is required for a parameter.
*Logs pages The pages for server and audit log data in Integration Server Administrator have been redesigned to display the logs in an easier to read format. Log entries can be sorted in ascending or descending order for some columns.
*HTTP Log now supports Common Log Format and Combined Log Format. Entries in the http log can now be written in the Common Log Format or the Combined Log Format, which are standardized formats. Http log entries can still use the legacy format as well.
*OAuth authorization server in stateless cluster An access or refresh token created by one Integration Server in a stateless cluster can be used by any other Integration Server that uses the same database and the pub.oauth:introspectToken service can be used to introspect the token.
*Default passwords for predefined user accounts. Integration Server no longer sets default passwords for predefined user accounts. The Administrator user account password is now set during installation by the person installing the product. Passwords or the Developer and Replicator user accounts can be set after starting Integration Server.
*Developer and Replicator user accounts are disabled by default. The predefined user accounts Developer and Replicator are now disabled by default. Additionally, a default password no longer exists for these user accounts. Before enabling the Developer or Replicator user accounts, you must set a new password for the account.
*create command for is_instance script. Includes new parameters admin.password and admin.changeOnLogin. Set admin.password to specify the password for the Administrator user account. Set admin.changeOnLogin to indicate whether the Administrator user account password must be changed upon first successful log in to Integration Server Administrator.