Integration Server 10.15 | Added, Removed, Deprecated, or Changed Items | Release 10.15
Release 10.15
Added Items
*OAuth-based authentication for email notifications To support OAuth 2.0 for email notifications, the Email Notification settings include fields that allow you to enter the OAuth credentials issued by the OAuth Server to Integration Server. With these credentials, you can get the authorization code, which in turn is used by Integration Server to obtain an access token and a refresh token necessary to access the configured mail server.
*Require Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) on a per client basis Integration Server provides the ability to require use of PKCE on a client-by-client basis. Previously, requiring PKCE was a global setting that applied to all public clients using the authorization code grant type.
*Dynamically retrieve a list of hosts for IP restrictions Integration Server now allows you to use a service to dynamically retrieve a list of IP addresses or hostnames in the CSV format and refresh the allow or deny list. The service must conform to the specification.
*Option to limit the number of concurrent executions of a service You can limit the number of concurrent executions of a service to minimize the issues that a few services might cause by consuming all the available resources to respond to a request in Integration
*Strict service caching In strict service caching, Integration Server caches and returns values for the parameters defined in the service signature only. When strict service caching is disabled (the default behavior), Integration Server caches values for the defined service signature and the entire output pipeline. When Integration Server uses cached results, Integration Server returns the entire cached output pipeline from the previous service invocation. Strict service caching is enabled when watt.server.serviceResults.cache.strict is set to true.
*Option to skip reloading of dependent packages Designer includes an option to skip package reloading when the package on which it depends is reloaded or replaced. To skip reloading of dependent packages, clear the Reload this package if any of the above packages are reloaded or replaced check box in the package properties for the dependent package. The package manifest will also indicate whether a package reloads when a package on which it depends is reloaded or replaced.
* file added to custom package When you create a package, Integration Server creates a readme file ( in the top directory of the package.
*The -logformat type switch for the startup.(bat/sh) command Specifies the format to which Integration Server converts the server log and audit entries written to the console (STDOUT or computer screen). Specify “type” as json. Integration Server supports only “json” type.
*Extended properties for custom packages Integration Server now includes the following extended properties for custom packages.
*Display Name
Integration Server stores the properties in the manifest.v3 file and Integration Server Administrator displays the extended properties on the Package Information page.
*Additional properties for all namespace nodes in Integration Server Integration Sever now includes the following new properties for all namespace nodes.
*Display Name
For example, you can see these properties for a service in Integration Server Administrator > Packages > Browse services in a package > General Information section.
*Support for RabbitMQ and Azure Service Bus over AMQP Integration Server is now tested to communicate with the RabbitMQ and Azure Service Bus JMS providers using the Qpid JMS 1.5.0 JMS client.
*Enhanced home page for custom packages Integration Server now displays the package metadata, executable services, and REST API descriptors for custom packages on the package home page. You can also regenerate the home page to view the latest changes.
*Support for multi-release JARs Beginning with the 10.15 release, Integration Server classloaders load the multi-release JARs by default. The "jdk.util.jar.enableMultiRelease" system property in the custom_wrapper.conf file controls this functionality. If you migrate from Integration Server 10.11 or earlier versions and need to disable the functionality, set the"jdk.util.jar.enableMultiRelease" system property in the custom_wrapper.conf file to "false"
*ISDashboardStats functional alias The Statistics Data Collector uses the ISDashboardStats functional alias to write metrics to a database. Prior to Integration Server 10.15, the Statistics Data Collector used the ISInternal functional alias to write statistics to the associated database.
*HEALTHCHECK instruction can be added automatically to the Docker file. The script for creating a Dockerfile for Integration Server now includes arguments for adding the HEALTHCHECK instruction and configuring it.
*New URL aliases for the health gauge Integration Server now includes two new URL aliases for the health gauge:
*/health/readiness: Checks the server health. Invokes the same service as /health. The endpoint is "http://host:port/health/readiness".
*/health/liveness: Checks whether the server is reachable. The endpoint is "http://host:port/health/liveness".
*ReadOnlyAdministrators ACL and ReadOnlyAdministratorsGroup Grants read-only access to the Integration Server Administrator API to locally defined users or users defined in Common Directory Services.
*Support for OpenID Connect private_key_jwt authentication. When Integration Server, acting as an OpenID Connect Relying Party, requests a token from an OpenID Provider's token endpoint, Integration Server can now use the private_key_jwt authentication method. In this case, Integration Server will generate a JWT (JSON Web Token), sign it with a private key, and include it in the body of the token request.
Removed Items
*webMethods Mobile Support feature and the WmMobileSupport package No replacement.
*Support for publishing and retracting asset metadata to CentraSite and the WmAssetPublisherPacakge No replacement.
*Try the New Administration Console button on the legacy Integration Server Administrator No replacement.
*maxJdbcPoolConnections parameter The maxJdbcPoolConnections parameter in the monitor.cnf specified the number of concurrent JDBC connections from the JDBC pool used by the ISInternal functional alias could be used by the Statistics Data Collector. This parameter is no longer needed because the Statistics Data Collector uses the new ISDashboardStats functional alias.
Deprecated Items
*Size-based cache capacity constraints at heap tier (controlled by maxBytesLocalHeap in the xml file) is deprecated. Use of size-based capacity constraints for caches will not be supported from Java 17 onwards. Size-based cache capacity constraints are deprecated in advance of future adoption of Java 17.
*webMethods Integration Cloud webMethods Integration Cloud is deprecated as of December 31, 2022 and will be discontinued as of December 31, 2023. webMethods Integration Cloud has been superseded by Integration, which offers a number of improvements and new capabilities reaching significantly beyond the capabilities of webMethods Integration Cloud, including code, low-code and no-code approaches to building integrations and automation.
*Digital Event Services Digital Event Services is deprecated. Use webMethods messaging to send and receive events.
Changed Items
*With API Gateway Advanced Edition license, Enterprise Gateway ports and the Internal Server port are not visible in Integration Server Administrator Enterprise Gateway ports and the Internal Server port are not visible and cannot be created in Integration Server Administrator if you have the API Gateway Advanced Edition license. These ports can be created only through API Gateway.
*create command for is_instance script The create command for the instance script now includes parameters for obtaining the fixes most recently installed via Software AG Update Manager and applying this fixes to new and existing instances.
*delete command for is_instance script The delete command for the instance script now includes a parameter for specifying the location of the Software AG Update Manager location. The delete command uses the location information to remove installation metadata for the instances that is being deleted.
*Java regular expression compiler is always used Integration Server always uses the Java regular expression compiler during XML validation and schema validation. Integration Server performs pattern matching as described by java.util.regex.pattern. Previously, Integration Server used the Perl5 regular expression compiler by default and used Perl5 pattern matching to evaluate the element content. Integration Server also provided the server configuration parameter watt.core.datetype.usejavaregex to switch to the Java regular expression compiler. Now, Integration Server uses the Java regular expression compiler only and the watt.core.datatype.usejavaregex parameter has been removed.
*JSSE is used for secured inbound and outbound communication In earlier releases, use of JSSE for secured inbound and outbound communications was the default, but optional. If JSSE was not used, the package in the Entrust IAIK library provided in Entrust Toolkit 8.0.33 was used to establish the connection. However, Entrust Toolkit 8.1.0, which Integration Server now uses, no longer supports the package. Use of JSSE is more secure. In accordance with this change, the Use JSSE options have been removed from port configuration pages in Integration Server Administrator, useJSSE input fields have been removed from built-in services in WmPublic, and server configuration parameters related to using Entrust to establish a connection have been removed.
*Entrust Toolkit 8.1.0 version Integration Server now uses Entrust Tookit 8.1.0. Previously, Integration Server used Entrust Toolkit 8.0.33.
*The default base image for an Integration Server Dockerfile is now redhat\ubi8 The previous default base image, as specified for the argument in the is_container.bat/sh, was centos:8. However, CentOS:8 is no longer supported.
*Log4j version that is in use is included in the server log and in diagnostic data During start up, Integration Server writes a message to the server log identifying the Log4j version in use by Integration Server. For example:
(tid=83) Log4j Version: 2.17.1
This message is written when the facility 0025 Server Initialization is set to Info or a more verbose level.
Additionally, when generating diagnostic data, Integration Server includes the Log4j version in the ServerAbout.txt file.
*Transactional publish when sending responses to webMethods Cloud. An on-premise Integration Server now uses a transactional publish when sending responses to the Cloud
*Configurable retry behavior for sending responses to webMethods Cloud. When publishing responses to webMethods Cloud, Integration Server automatically retries any failed transactional publish. The number of retries and delay between retry attempts can be configured.
*Decoding of custom byte arrays by webMethods messaging triggers. Previously, when a webMethods messaging trigger that subscribes to messages from Universal Messaging received a message with a custom byte array, attempts to decode the message failed because the decoding logic in Integration Server assumes the byte array is an encoded IData. Now, when a webMethods messaging trigger receives a message that includes a byte array from Universal Messaging, Integration Server first verifies the byte array is IData. If it is, Integration Server proceeds with decoding the byte array. If the byte array is not IData, Integration Server passes the encoded byte array to the input pipeline for the trigger service.
*The default value of the Statistics Data Collector parameter restartHours is now 6 hours. When Statistics Data Collector restarts, the indexed data stored is re-indexed and the size of the data is reduced. The frequency with which Statistics Data Collector restarts is determined by the restartHours parameter.
*The default value of the Statistics Data Collector parameter searcherThreadCount is now 2. The searcherThreadCount parameter controls the number of search requests that can execute concurrently against statistics stored in an Apache Lucene repository. Previously, the default was 8.
*Diagnostic utility can collect additional diagnostic data upon request. When requested by Software AG, the diagnostic utility can request additional data that may assist with troubleshooting.