Integration Server 10.15 | Documentation Changes | Release 10.7
Release 10.7
*The webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide contains a new chapter titled “Introduction to the New webMethods Integration Server Administrator”.
*The webMethods Integration Server Built-In Services Reference contains a new chapter titled “Alert Folder”.
*The “Using Command Central to Manage Integration Server” chapter in the webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide has the following changes.
*“An Overview of Command Central” topic has been added.
*Deleted topics:
*Monitoring JMS Triggers Using the Integration Server Instance
*Searching for JMS Triggers Using Integration Server Instance
*Enabling, Disabling and Suspending a JMS Trigger
*Monitoring Global Controls for JMS Triggers
*Associating Connection Pools with Functional Aliases
*Managing Integration Server Groups
*Managing Scheduled User Tasks
*Managing ACLs
*The webMethods Integration Agent Administrator's Guide is no longer delivered with the webMethods Microservices Runtime and webMethods Integration Server documentation sets as webMethods Integration Agent is no longer available beginning with the 10.7 release. Microservices Runtime can be used in place of Integration Agent.
*The REST Developer’s Guide is no longer delivered with the webMethods Integration Server documentation set as the contents of the guide are now available in the webMethods Service Development Help.
*A new topic, “Setting Two-Way SSL Communication” is added to the guide Configuring On-Premise Integration Servers for webMethods Cloud.
*Descriptions of the server configuration parameters watt.server.jca.connectionPool.threadInterrupt.waitTime and watt.server.jca.connectionPool.threadInterrupter.sleepTime have been removed from the webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide because they are covered in the webMethods Adapter Runtime User’s Guide. The description of the watt.server.jca.connectionPool.createConnection.interrupt.waitTime parameter has been removed from the webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide because the parameter is obsolete, having been replaced by watt.server.jca.connectionPool.threadInterrupt.waitTime and watt.server.jca.connectionPool.threadInterrupter.sleepTime parameters.