Integration Server 10.15 | Added, Removed, Deprecated, or Changed Administrator APIs | Release 10.11
Release 10.11
Added APIs
*GET /admin/acl/{name} Retrieves an access control list.
*GET /admin/acl/ Retrieves all access control lists.
*POST /admin/acl/ Creates an access control list.
*PATCH /admin/acl/{name} Updates an access control list.
*PUT /admin/acl/{name} Replaces an access control list.
*DELETE /admin/acl/{name} Deletes an access control list.
*GET /admin/dashboard/config Retrieves the Dashboard configuration.
*PATCH /admin/dashboard/config Updates the Dashboard configuration.
*PUT /admin/dashboard/config Replaces the Dashboard configuration.
*POST /admin/dashboard/config Performs an administrative action on the Dashboard configuration.
*GET /admin/enterprisegateway/alertoption Retrieves the default alert configuration.
*PATCH /admin/enterprisegateway/alertoption Patches the default alert configuration.
*PUT /admin/enterprisegateway/alertoption Updates the default alert configuration.
*GET /admin/enterprisegateway/dos Retrieves rule-specific denial of service configuration.
*GET /admin/enterprisegateway/dos/deniedip Retrieves a list of denied IP addresses.
*DELETE /admin/enterprisegateway/dos/deniedip/{IP} Removes IP address from the denied IP address list.
*GET /admin/enterprisegateway/dos/dosbyip Retrieves denial of service configuration by IP address.
*PATCH /admin/enterprisegateway/dos/dosbyip Updates denial of service configuration for IP addresses.
*PUT /admin/enterprisegateway/dos/dosbyip Replaces denial of service configuration for IP addresses.
*GET /admin/enterprisegateway/dos/globaldos Retrieves global configuration for denial of service.
*PATCH /admin/enterprisegateway/dos/globaldos Updates global configuration for denial of service.
*PUT /admin/enterprisegateway/dos/globaldos Replaces global configuration for denial of service.
*GET /admin/enterprisegateway/filters Retrieves a list of supported filters for Enterprise Gateway.
*GET /admin/enterprisegateway/mobileappprotection Retrieves mobile application protection configuration.
*PATCH /admin/enterprisegateway/mobileappprotection Updates mobile application protection configuration.
*PUT /admin/enterprisegateway/mobileappprotection Replaces mobile application protection configuration.
*GET admin/enterprisegateway/rule Retrieves Enterprise Gateway rules.
*POST /admin/enterprisegateway/rule Creates an Enterprise Gateway rule.
*PATCH /admin/enterprisegateway/rule Updates an Enterprise Gateway rule.
*PUT /admin/enterprisegateway/rule. Replaces an Enterprise Gateway rule.
*GET /admin/enterprisegateway/rule/alertoption/{ruleName}/ruletype/{ruleType} Retrieves rule-specific alert configuration.
*POST /admin/enterprisegateway/rule/alertoption Updates alert configuration for a rule.
*PUT /admin/enterprisegateway/rule/alertoption Replaces alert configuration for a rule.
*GET /admin/enterprisegateway/rule/{ruleName}/ruletype/{ruleType} Retrieves an Enterprise Gateway rule.
*DELETE /admin/enterprisegateway/rule/{ruleName}/ruletype/{ruleType} Deletes an Enterprise Gateway rule.
*GET /admin/enterprisegateway/rule/priority/{ruleName}/ruletype/{ruleType} Retrieves the priority of a rule in the Enterprise Gateway rules list.
*POST /admin/enterprisegateway/rule/priority Updates the priority of an Enterprise Gateway rule in rules list
*PUT /admin/enterprisegateway/rule/priority Replaces the priority of a rule in the Enterprise Gateway rules list.
*GET /admin/grpc/channel Retrieves all gRPC channels.
*GET /admin/grpc/channel/{channelName} Retrieves a gRPC channel.
*POST /admin/grpc/channel/{channelName} Enables or disables a gRPC channel.
*PATCH /admin/grpc/channel/{channelName} Updates a gRPC channel configuration.
*GET /admin/grpc/descriptor Retrieves all gRPC provider descriptors.
*GET /admin/grpc/descriptor/{providerDescriptorName} Retrieves a gRPC provider descriptor.
*POST /admin/grpc/descriptor/{providerDescriptorName} Enables or disables a gRPC provider descriptor.
*GET /admin/node/{interface} Retrieves an interface (folder). Use a . (period) to separate an interface from a subinterface. That is: interface.subinterface.
*GET /admin/node/{interface}/{name} Retrieves a namespace node. Use a . (period) to separate an interface from a subinterface.
*PATCH /admin/node/{interface} Updates the access permissions for an interface (folder). Use a . (period) to separate an interface from a subinterface.
*PATCH /admin/node/{interface}/{name} Updates the access permissions for a namespace node. Use a . (period) to separate an interface from a subinterface.
*GET /admin/oauth/client Retrieves all the registered OAuth clients.
*GET /admin/oauth/client/{clientId} Retrieves the information for an OAuth client with the specified client id.
*GET /admin/oauth/client/{name}/version/{version} Retrieves the information for an OAuth client with the specified client name and version.
*GET /admin/group/ Retrieves all groups.
*GET /admin/group/{groupName} Retrieves a group.
*POST /admin/group/ Creates a group.
*PATCH /admin/group/{groupName} Updates a group.
*PUT /admin/group/{groupName} Replaces a group.
*DELETE /admin/group/{groupName} Deletes a group.
*POST /admin/oauth/client Creates an OAuth client.
*PATCH /admin/oauth/client/{clientId} Updates the client information for an OAuth client with the specified client id.
*PUT /admin/oauth/client/{clientId} Replaces the client information for an OAuth client with the specified client id.
*DELETE /admin/oauth/client/{clientId} Deletes an OAuth client.
*GET /admin/oauth/externalserver Retrieves all external authorization servers.
*GET /admin/oauth/externalserver/{name} Retrieves an external authorization server.
*POST /admin/oauth/externalserver/ Creates an external authorization server.
*PATCH /admin/oauth/externalserver/{name} Updates an external authorization server.
*PUT /admin/oauth/externalserver/{name} Replaces an external authorization server.
*DELETE /admin/oauth/externalserver/{name} Deletes an external authorization server.
*GET /admin/oauth/globalsetting Retrieves the global OAuth settings.
*PATCH /admin/oauth/globalsetting/ Updates the global OAuth settings.
*PUT /admin/oauth/globalsetting/ Replaces the global OAuth settings.
*GET /admin/oauth/scope Retrieves a list of scopes.
*GET /admin/oauth/scope/{name} Retrieves a scope.
*POST /admin/oauth/scope Creates a scope.
*PATCH /admin/oauth/scope/{name} Updates a scope.
*PUT /admin/oauth/scope/{name} Replaces a scope.
*DELETE /admin/oauth/scope/{name} Deletes a scope.
*GET /admin/oauth/token Retrieves a list of active access and refresh tokens.
*GET /admin/oauth/token/accesstoken/{accessTokenId} Retrieves an access token.
*GET /admin/oauth/token/refreshtoken/{refreshTokenId} Retrieves a refresh token.
*DELETE /admin/oauth/token/accesstoken/{accessTokenId} Deletes an access token.
*DELETE /admin/oauth/token/refreshtoken/{refreshTokenId} Deletes a refresh token.
*PUT /admin/outboundPassword/masterPassword Updates the master password.
*POST /admin/outboundPassword/masterPassword/reset Resets all stored passwords, including stored outbound passwords and the master password.
*GET /admin/outboundPassword/masterPassword/expiration Retrieves the master password expiration properties.
*PUT /admin/outboundPassword/masterPassword/expiration Updates the master password expiration interval.
*GET /admin/port/ftp/ Retrieves all FTP ports.
*GET /admin/port/ftp/{alias} Retrieves an FTP port.
*POST /admin/port/ftp/ Creates an FTP port.
*POST /admin/port/ftp/{alias} Enables or disables an FTP port.
*PATCH /admin/port/ftp/{alias} Updates an FTP port.
*PUT /admin/port/ftp/{alias} Replaces an FTP port.
*DELETE /admin/port/ftp/{alias} Deletes an FTP port.
*GET /admin/port/ftp/{alias}/ipaccess Retrieves the IP access settings for an FTP port.
*PUT /admin/port/ftp/{alias}/ipaccess Replaces the IP access settings for an FTP port.
*DELETE /admin/port/ftp/{alias}/ipaccess Deletes the IP access settings for an FTP port. Once deleted, the port will use the global IP access settings.
*GET /admin/port/ftp/{alias}/resourceaccess Retrieves the resource access settings for an FTP port.
*PUT /admin/port/ftp/{alias}/resourceaccess Replaces the resource access settings for an FTP port.
*GET /admin/port/ftps/ Retrieves all FTPS ports.
*GET /admin/port/ftps/{alias} Retrieves an FTPS port.
*POST /admin/port/ftps/ Creates an FTPS port.
*POST /admin/port/ftps/{alias} Enables or disables an FTPS port.
*PATCH /admin/port/ftps/{alias} Updates an FTPS port.
*PUT /admin/port/ftps/{alias} Replaces an FTPS port.
*DELETE /admin/port/ftps/{alias} Deletes an FTPS port.
*GET /admin/port/ftps/{alias}/ipaccess Retrieves the IP access settings for an FTPS port.
*PUT /admin/port/ftps/{alias}/ipaccess Replaces the IP access settings for an FTPS port.
*DELETE /admin/port/ftps/{alias}/ipaccess Deletes the IP access settings for an FTPS port. Once deleted, the port will use the global IP access settings.
*GET /admin/port/ftps/{alias}/resourceaccess Retrieves the resource access settings for an FTPS port.
*PUT /admin/port/ftps/{alias}/resourceaccess Replaces the resource access settings for an FTPS port.
*GET /admin/saml Retrieves all SAML token issuers.
*GET /admin/saml/{issuer} Retrieves the requested SAML token issuer.
*POST /admin/saml/ Creates a SAML token issuer.
*PUT /admin/saml/{current_issuer} Replaces the SAML token issuer where current_issuer is the name of the token issuer before the replacement operation.
*PATCH /admin/saml/{current_issuer} Updates the SAML token issuer where current_issuer is the name of the token issuer before the update.
*DELETE /admin/saml/{issuer} Deletes the SAML token issuer.
*GET admin/urlalias. Retrieves all URL aliases.
*GET /admin/urlalias/{urlAliasName} Retrieves the requested URL alias.
*POST /admin/urlalias/ Creates a URL alias.
*PATCH /admin/urlalias/{urlAliasName} Updates a URL alias.
*PUT /admin/urlalias/{urlAliasName} Replaces a URL alias.
*DELETE /admin/urlalias/{urlAliasName} Deletes a URL alias.
Changed APIs
*POST /admin/port/https/
*PATCH /admin/port/https/{alias}
*PUT /admin/port/https/{alias} jsseEnabledProtocols is hidden in the response because setting enabled protocols for a port is deprecated beginning with Integration Server 10.7. jsseDisabledProtocols is now added to the input/output signature. This parameter identifies the disabled SSL and TLS protocols that are disabled for inbound connections to the port. useJSSE was missing from the input signature but is now added.
*PUT /admin/quiesce/port Includes additional options for setting quiesce configuration such as disabling audit logging.