Trading Networks 10.15 | Other Resolved Issues | Release 9.12
Release 9.12
Inbuilt ‘Unknown’ document details in Trading Networks are changed using the import and export feature.
Exporting, modifying, and importing an ‘Unknown’ document results in a change of the document name.
This issue is resolved.
Inbuilt ‘Unknown’ partner profile details in Trading Networks are changed using the import and export feature.
Exporting, modifying, and importing an ‘Unknown’ partner profile results in a change of the partner profile name.
This issue is resolved.
In My webMethods: Administration > Partner Profiles > Delivery Settings > Suspend Delivery Schedule page, ‘Time Zone’ is not localized.
This issue occurs if localizations are not handled for ‘Time Zone.’
This issue is resolved.
In My webMethods: Administration > Partner Profiles > Delivery Settings > Suspend Delivery Schedule page, ‘Recurrence Pattern’ is not localized.
This issue occurs if localizations are not handled for ‘Recurrence Pattern.’
This issue is resolved.
In My webMethods: Administration > Partner Profiles > Delivery Settings page, the ‘Status’ icon tooltip is not localized.
This issue occurs if localizations are not handled for the ‘Status’ icon tooltip.
This issue is resolved.
In My webMethods: Administration > Partner Profiles > Delivery Settings > Suspend Delivery Schedule page, the ‘Days’ selection is not localized.
This issue occurs if localizations are not handled for the ‘Days’ selection.
This issue is resolved.
In My webMethods: Administration > Partner Profiles > Delivery Settings page, ‘Suspend Delivery Schedule’ is not localized.
This issue occurs if localizations are not handled for ‘Suspend Delivery Schedule.’
This issue is resolved.
Updation or creation of a partner profile fails with the following error in the Integration Server log: [SoftwareAG][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]Invalid column name 'LastModified'.
This issue occurs because the column name is not in Pascal.
This issue is resolved.
The Clear button is enabled before creating a certificate in the Certificates Tab under the Partner Profiles page.
The Clear button is enabled due to a CAF update.
This issue is resolved.
While using the Lookup of Address or Contact in Partner Profile an exception occurs.
When a user uses the lookup for Address or Contact in partner profile with TN database pointed to DB2, the following exception is displayed:
"Failed to evaluate binding expression: "#{ContactsPage.impactedPartners}"
This issue is resolved.