Universal Messaging 10.15 | Usage Notes
Usage Notes
This section provides any additional information you need to work with the current release of this product.
*Note that after you create a server instance you cannot change the server instance name or the realm name. When you create the server instance, the server instance name is set to the realm name by default. Previously, it was possible to do that by modifying the RNAME server Java system property. This functionality has been removed.
*In version 10.11 and higher, Universal Messaging client, non-admin sessions in an active/active cluster are always terminated if the server to which the client application connects is not in a good cluster state, that is, either master or slave state.
Prior to Universal Messaging 10.11, you could use the DisconnectIfClusterFails flag to configure the behavior of client sessions when the server is not in a good cluster state. The DisconnectIfClusterFails flag has been removed in Universal Messaging 10.11.
*Now the persistent flag for durables is implicitly set by the API depending on whether the channel on which the durable exists supports persistence. Currently channels of type Mixed and Persistent support persistence. For these channel types, the flag is implicitly set to “true”, while for all other channel types the flag defaults to “false”.
*Universal Messaging enables both higher-release Java clients to connect to lower-release realm servers, and lower-release clients to connect to higher-release servers. For more information, see the section "Concepts > Deployment > Bi-directional Client and Server Compatibility" in the Universal Messaging documentation.
*The Java®-based components of Universal Messaging now support Java 8 and Java 11 virtual machines at run time.
*Behavior related to the “Pause Publishing” functionality:
*Modifying JNDI entries is not possible while publishing is paused. This is because JNDI entries are stored in a Universal Messaging channel.
*Clients created using an API from a product release prior to version 10.1 will not throw the intended nSessionPauseException while publishing is paused. Java® publish/commit operations will throw nBaseClientException, whereas C++ and C# will throw nUnexpectedResponseException.
*If publishing is paused, editing a store in the Enterprise Manager will cause the events on the store to be lost, as they cannot be republished on the re-created store.
*The set of Windows Start Menu entries created for each Universal Messaging instance has been simplified. Starting with the 10.3 release, each instance has a Start Menu entry for an “Examples Command Prompt” and for a “Realm Server Command Prompt”. The language-specific command prompt entries created by previous releases have been removed, and the documentation updated to describe how to configure the environment to develop with Universal Messaging using these languages.
*The server-side event filtering functionality in Universal Messaging does not support filtering of Google Protocol Buffer events using the “map” container type available in recent versions of the Google Protocol Buffer language.
*Many realm server configuration properties were removed in the 10.3 release. See the “Release Notes” 10.3 section in the Universal Messaging documentation for further details of these changes.
*The Command Central asset inventory commands that Universal Messaging supports in version 10.7 are a preview feature that is subject to change in the future without deprecation announcements. This preview has limited functions and is not intended for use in a production environment. If you want to provide feedback for this preview feature, go to the Command Central area on the Software AG Tech Community website.