Universal Messaging 10.15 | Resolved Issues | Release 10.3
Release 10.3
*NUM-10389 (Possible memory leak when deleting channels.)
A memory leak of cached Google Protocol Buffer definitions that could be triggered by deleting channels from the Universal Messaging realm server has been resolved.
*NUM-10317 (JAVA_HOME environment variable not tailored correctly on Windows.)
The JAVA_HOME environment variable was not being correctly tailored to point to the installed Java Virtual Machine when opening one of the Universal Messaging command prompts from the Windows Start Menu. The variable will now be set correctly.
*NUM-10313 (Enterprise Manager hangs after 10 minutes.)
The Universal Messaging Enterprise Manager tool could hang after a period of time when connected to a realm server under heavy load. This issue has been resolved.
*NUM-9719 (AMQP/JMS mapping header mismatch.)
The AMQP to JMS mapping supported by Universal Messaging has been updated to include some additional mappings defined in the latest updates to the AMQP specification.