Universal Messaging 10.15 | Resolved Issues | Release 10.7
Release 10.7
*NUM-10799 (Uninstallation may not remove UM Windows service.)
Windows services created during or after installation of Universal Messaging may not be removed when the product is uninstalled. Users should check whether any such services still exist after uninstallation and manually remove them if so, using the Windows Services control panel.
The issue is now resolved.
*NUM-9489 (JMS API allows creation of multiple exclusive durables with the same name.)
Since the 9.12 release, the JMS Session.createDurableSubscriber allows creating more than one exclusive durable subscriber with the same name, with no exception thrown or other indication that this has occurred.
The issue is now resolved. Exclusive durables are now bound to synchronous subscribers.
*NUM-6873 (Out of order event after restarting shared durable receiver)
Disordering of events can occur when re-starting a shared durable subscriber with unacknowledged events using the queued shared durable implementation.
A workaround for this is to ensure that the “Fanout Config -> SyncQueuePublisher” realm configuration property is set to false. This however may cause excess events to build up on server queues in scenarios where consumers do not keep up with publishers.
Note that for a Universal Messaging delivery as part of a webMethods bundle, the configuration property defaults to false anyway.
The issue is now resolved.