Universal Messaging 10.15 | Resolved Issues | Release 10.11
Release 10.11
A NullPointerException occurs randomly in a Universal Messaging server when you try to publish events to a mixed channel.
The issue is resolved.
Out-of-memory errors, ConcurrentModificationException, and deadlock might occur when a user keeps connecting to and disconnecting from the same channel or queue.
The issue is resolved.
When initializing a Universal Messaging multiplex session, the connection times out and the Java Service Wrapper detects a deadlock condition.
The issue is resolved.
A deadlock might occur when a Universal Messaging realm is transitioning into a master state and trying to purge events from a JMS store. The issue was introduced with the DisconnectOnClusterFailure server-side flag functionality.
The issue is resolved.
Caching does not work for multi-file disk stores even when caching is enabled for the server instance.
The issue is resolved. By default, caching is not enabled for multi-file stores. To store events from a channel with multi-file stores in the cache:
1. When configuring the Universal Messaging server instance, set the EnableStoreCaching and EnableCaching server configurations to "true" and restart the server.
2. When creating a channel with a multi-file store, set the "Enable Caching" channel storage properties to "true".
Universal Messaging might shut down with an out-of-memory error.
In some cases, the Universal Messaging realm server might shut down with OutOfMemoryError. The issue occurs due to a combination of factors including the slow processing of data buffers from multiplexed sessions.
The issue is resolved.
Exclusive durables are not always properly recovered during cluster recovery.
The issue is resolved.
Synchronous durable topic or queue consumers that have low timeout values (tenths of milliseconds or less) and consume messages from a slave realm in a Universal Messaging cluster might stop consuming messages and log the following message in the nirvana.log file for the slave realm: "Cluster> Rolling back Event IDs to allocate for a local connection that no longer exists."
The issue is resolved. Universal Messaging now has the TimeoutSynchronousConsumerOnMaster advanced realm configuration property that you can use to switch the timeout procedure to the master realm in the cluster. Valid values for the new property are:
*true - switches the timeout procedure to the master realm in the cluster
*false (default) - the timeout procedure is run on a slave realm in the cluster
Important! You must configure the new property after updating all realms in the cluster to the fix version of the master realm.
During transactional publishing to Universal Messaging using a horizontal scalability (HS) session, the Universal Messaging client might report nUnexpectedResponseException.
When a client is performing transactional publishing of messages to Universal Messaging servers that are part of an HS URL, and one of the servers is stopped during the transaction, some messages might remain unpublished. In addition, the client returns nUnexpectedResponseException. The exception occurs because the transaction request does not receive a reply from the Universal Messaging server.
The issue is resolved. When a Universal Messaging server is stopped during multi-threaded transactional publishing, the transaction returns nSessionNotConnectedException, and the transaction can be retried.
Universal Messaging fails to start automatically after migration using a Command Central composite template.
The server writes a NullPointerException to the nirvana.log file. You can start the server only from the Command Central web user interface.
The issue is resolved.
Exporting or importing a realm configuration into XML results in missing or incomplete join details.
When exporting or importing realm configurations from Enterprise Manager or using the "nexportrealm" or "nimportrealm" code samples, one of the following issues occurs:
*The exported XML file does not include any information about the remote joins.
*The join entries in the exported XML file do not include the details of the remote realm, which incorrectly represents the join as local.
*The information about the remote joins does not get imported.The issues are now resolved.
Connecting nodes in a Universal Messaging cluster might fail when you use the VIA list of an interface to configure access control list (ACL) entries for cluster communication.
The issue is resolved.