My webMethods Server 10.15 | Added, Removed, Deprecated, or Changed Items | Release 10.1
Release 10.1
Added Items
*New additional JVM properties to configure secure connection to the Universal Messaging server. You can use the following additional JVM properties in the custom_wrapper.conf file to configure secure connection to the Universal Messaging server:
*nirvana.ssl.protocol For more information, see Administering My webMethods Server.
*Business Administration node in the installer tree under the My webMethods Server node: A new node named Business Administration has been added to the installer tree under the My webMethods Server node.
*MySQL support for use with Task Engine: For more information about how to use MySQL with My webMethods Server and Task Engine, see Administering My webMethods Server.
Deprecated Item
*The My webMethods Server embedded database (Derby) is deprecated
Changed Items
*The font family has been changed to the standard Roboto font.