My webMethods Server 10.15 | Added, Removed, Deprecated, or Changed Items | Release 10.5
Release 10.5
Added Items
*SP-initiated SSO with SAML: My webMethods Server now supports an additional scenario for configuring SSO with the SAML authentication scheme and a third-party identity provider - service provider-initiated authentication. For more information, see Administering My webMethods Server.
*Support for Log4j2: The logging functionality in My webMethods Server is updated to use the log4j2 library.
*Database JMS for CDS: My webMethods Server now supports using the database as a JMS provider for synchronization with the CDS component in Integration Server and in small My webMethods Server clusters. For more information, see **Administering My webMethods Server
*Enhanced support for upgrading with Command Central templates: The migration utility for MWS now provides options to skip the deletion of existing instances when rerun over the same installation. The option is enabled by default when the migration utility is used though Command Central templates.
*New additional JVM property for configuring the number of threads that purge deleted items from the database: purge.schedule.maxthreads=number_of_threads
*New additional JVM properties for configuring content security policy: Use the property to enable (default) or disable the content security policy, and the to supply additional allowed hosts. For more information about custom JVM properties see Administering My webMethods Server.
Removed Items
*Support for Log4j version 1: Replaced by Log4j2 version 2