My webMethods Server 10.15 | Added, Removed, Deprecated, or Changed Items | Release 9.12
Release 9.12
Added Items
*Option to configure universally unique identifier (UUID) for My webMethods Server users accessed through an external user directory service: A utility is required to update the universally unique identifier (UUID) for My webMethods Server users accessed through an external user directory service. Additionally, an option is required to remove invalid users from My webMethods Server. By default, the external directory service configured with My webMethods Server uses distinguished names (DNs) to identify users. In this case, if a user is transferred from one organization unit to another, My webMethods Server cannot recognize that user because of a change in the user’s DN. Moreover, My webMethods Server cannot recognize users who are deleted from a directory service or moved in a directory service, and such users are regarded as invalid users. You can configure My webMethods Server to use UUID, so that users are identified when the DN changes. You can run the UserDirectory_UpdateUUID utility to update the UUID for My webMethods Server users accessed through an external user directory service. To remove invalid users, you can run the Cleanup_InvalidUsers utility. For more information about those utilities, see Administering My webMethods Server and My webMethods Server Portlet Reference.
*Expose the Jetty JMX MBeans in the embedded Jetty container: Enable all of the org.eclipse.jetty.* MBeans in the JMX console for My webMethods Server.
Deprecated Items
*Support for Axis 1.x, which is used for exposing web services from My webMethods Server, is deprecated.
*Support for webMethods Glue
*Using the database as a JMS provider for My webMethods Server clusters is deprecated. The replacement is webMethods Universal Messaging.
Changed Items
*Improved My webMethods Server logging: The width of log messages is shortened by using an enhanced pattern layout from org.apache.log4j.EnhancedPatternLayout.
*My webMethods Server uses Apache Jackrabbit 2.x: My webMethods Server now uses Apache Jackrabbit 2.x. The previous Apache Jackrabbit version that the server was using is no longer supported and contains security vulnerabilities.