My webMethods Server 10.15 | Added, Removed, Deprecated, or Changed Items | Release 10.0
Release 10.0
Added Items
*New additional JVM properties to adjust the http client settings. You can use the following additional JVM properties in the custom_wrapper.conf file to configure connection settings when making web service calls using the Axis SOAP client:
*axisclient.MaxTotalConnections For more information, see Administering My webMethods Server.
*New additional JVM properties to configure a user name and password for connecting to Universal Messaging. You can use the following additional JVM properties in the custom_wrapper.conf file to configure credentials for connecting to Universal Messaging:
Removed Items
*The localControl authentication option is removed from My webMethods Server commands. The ‘mws ping’,‘mws import’, and ‘mws export’ commands now require authentication.
*Using the database as a JMS provider for My webMethods Server clusters is removed: Using the My webMethods Server database as a JMS provider for cluster communication is removed. The replacement is using the Universal Messaging server. For more information, see Administering My webMethods Server.
Changed Items
*My webMethods users must provide their current password when attempting to change the password: When updating their profile information, My webMethods users must supply their old password to set a new one. This does not apply to administrative users who change the password of other users.
*Automatic reconnection settings for LDAP directory services: You can enable the automatic reconnection to LDAP for directory services in My webMethods Server, and set a custom amount of time to wait between reconnection attempts.