ActiveTransfer Server 10.15 | Added, Removed, Deprecated, or Changed Built-In Services | ActiveTransfer Server | Release 10.5
Release 10.5
Added Services
*wm.mft.admin:archiveData Archives transaction data available in the ActiveTransfer production schema or database.
Changed Services
*wm.mft.assets.rec.port:PortInfo A new field, active to activate the port in ActiveTransfer instances, is added to this service.
* A new field, sort to find and sort files based on a particular order, is added to this service.
*wm.mft.assets.rec.port:HTTPDetails A new field, supportSAML2SSO to enable single sign-on, is added to this service.
*wm.mft.assets.rec.port:SFTPDetails The following new fields are added to this service:
*RSAPassPhrase, to configure the password for the RSA key.
*DSAPassPhrase, to configure the password for the DSA key.
*mac, to configure the HMACs for SFTP listeners.