ActiveTransfer Server 10.15 | Added, Removed, Deprecated, or Changed Items | ActiveTransfer Server | Release 10.1
Release 10.1
Added Items
*Activate Use this button in the events list tables of the Events Management page to select multiple events and activate them.
*Deactivate Use this button in the events list tables of the Events Management page to select multiple active events and deactivate them.
*- Use this button in the events list tables of the Events Management page to select multiple events and delete them. Note: If the deletion of a single event fails, the deletion of all selected events fails.
*Delete original file Use this field when configuring encrypt and decrypt actions for events in the Event Management page. Select this field to perform one of these actions:
*For encrypt action: Delete the original file and retain only the encrypted file.
*For decrypt action: Delete the original file and retain only the decrypted file.
*File-Based Encryption section Use this section in the Virtual Folder Management page to specify file-based encryption PGP keys for a virtual folder. This section contains the following fields:
*Activate. Select this check box to activate the use file-based encryption keys.
Public PGP Key Location. Specify the file path to the public PGP key in this text box.
*File-Based Decryption section Use this section in the Virtual Folder Management page to specify file-based decryption PGP keys for a virtual folder. This section contains the following fields:
*Activate. Select this check box to activate the use file-based decryption keys.
*Public PGP Key Location. Specify the file path to the public PGP key in this text box.
*Private PGP Key Password. Enter the password for the private PGP key.
Changed Itemс
*webMethods MashZone analytics and dashboards ActiveTransfer now uses webMethods MashZone Next Gen analytics and dashboards. For more details on MashZone Next Gen, see MashZone Next Gen documentation. For details on how to configure and MashZone Next Gen to monitor file transactions in ActiveTransfer, see Managing File Transfers with webMethods ActiveTransfer.