ActiveTransfer Server 10.15 | Added, Removed, Deprecated, or Changed Items | ActiveTransfer Server | Release 10.2
Release 10.2
Added Items
*File Share Use this tab under MFT Settings to set default values for the files shared with external users. These default values appear in the file share screen of the ActiveTransfer web client.
*Direct link to file? Use this field in the file share screen of the ActiveTransfer web client to allow users to directly view a single shared file on clicking the share link in the file share email.
*View Use this field in the file share screen of the ActiveTransfer web client to allow users to view the shared file. This field is selected by default.
*Rename Use this field in the file share screen of the ActiveTransfer web client to allow users to rename the shared file.
*Create Folder Use this field in the file share screen of the ActiveTransfer web client to allow users to create a new folder in the shared location.
*Delete Folder Use this field in the file share screen of the ActiveTransfer web client to allow users to delete a shared folder.
*MFTAgentEventLog This database table that captures the ActiveTransfer Agent the execution details of each agent event.
*MFTAgentActivityDetails This database table that captures the attribute details of ActiveTransfer Agent activities.
*MFTAgentEventLog This database table that captures detailed task level information on ActiveTransfer Agent activities.
*PartitionTimestamp Partition key column added to the MFTEventLog table.
*PartitionTimestamp Partition key column added to the MFTActivityLog table.
*PartitionTimestamp Partition key column added to the MFTActivityLogMessage table.
*EventExecutionTime Partition key column added to the MFTActivityDetails table.
*Agent Event Log Use this screen to access all the event execution details for ActiveTransfer agents.
*Agent Activity Log Use this screen to access all details of all activities (asset download, event execution, and authentication) for ActiveTransfer agents. This screen has two tabs:
*Details. Displays the basic agent activity information.
*Activities. Displays the complete activity log.
*Agent Management Use this menu option in the navigation panel of My webMethods user interface to access the following configuration screens for ActiveTransfer Agent:
*Agent Groups
*Agent Events
*CommandCentral.cnf Use this new properties file to add the webMethods Command Central details so that ActiveTransfer can establish a connection with the Command Central instance and fetch details of the ActiveTransfer agents installed.
For details of the parameters in CommandCentral.cnf, see the added parameters section in this document or see Managing File Transfers with ActiveTransfer Agent.
Removed Items
*Advanced Under the Share Type field, the fields that appeared on selection of this check box in the file share screen of the ActiveTransfer web client now appear along with the Copy field.
*Advanced/Attach Thumbnail No replacement.
*Advanced/Full Access A new section Permissions replaces this checkbox and associated field. The Permissions section provides a list of new file access permissions in the file share screen of the ActiveTransfer web client.
*External Share No replacement.
*Internal Share No replacement.
Deprecated Items
*Search for files by keyword in the ActiveTransfer web client No replacement.
*Broker notification action in events No replacement.
Changed Items
*Reference The fields that appeared on selection of this check box in the file share screen of the ActiveTransfer web client now appear along with the Copy field.
*Move The fields that appeared on selection of this check box in the file share screen of the ActiveTransfer web client now appear along with the Copy field.