ActiveTransfer Server 10.15 | Documentation Changes | ActiveTransfer Server | Release 10.1
Release 10.1
All PDF publications, Managing File Transfers with webMethods ActiveTransfer, webMethods ActiveTransfer Built-In Services Reference, and webMethods ActiveTransfer Web Client User’s Guide have been updated to include information related to new features and fixes since the ActiveTransfer 10.1 release.
The PDF publication Managing File Transfers with webMethods ActiveTransfer has been updated as follows:
*In Chapter 2, Configuring webMethods ActiveTransfer and Chapter 11, Monitoring ActiveTransfer, webMethods MashZone information is modified to include information about newer version of the MashZone product, webMethods MashZone Next Gen.
*Chapter 13, Migrating Assets includes information about webMethods Deployer support of migration of assets and corrections to the ActiveTransfer asset dependencies.
*In Chapter 1, Understanding ActiveTransfer, the section “How does ActiveTransfer work with Trading Networks?” has been enhanced to include more information about ActiveTransfer and Trading Networks integration.
*In Chapter 10, Managing Events, has the following changes:
*Includes a new section “Activating, Deactivating, and Deleting Multiple Events,” and a corresponding update has been made in the section “Activating Events”.
*Section “Encrypting and Decrypting Files” has been updated to include information about the new option to delete the original encrypted or decrypted file in encrypt and decrypt event actions.
*The following chapters have been updated with information on how ActiveTransfer handles encryption and decryption keys are configured at the user management, virtual folder, and server management levels:
*Chapter 5, Managing ActiveTransfer Server, section “Activating File-Based Encryption and Decryption”
*Chapter 8, Managing Users, User Groups, and User Roles, section “Specifying Encryption and Decryption Options for a User”
*Chapter 9, Managing Virtual Folders in a Virtual File System, includes a new section “Specifying Encryption and Decryption Options for a Virtual Folder.”