ActiveTransfer Server 10.15 | Documentation Changes | ActiveTransfer Server | Release 10.2
Release 10.2
All PDF publications, Managing File Transfers with webMethods ActiveTransfer, webMethods ActiveTransfer Built-In Services Reference, and webMethods ActiveTransfer Web Client User’s Guide have been updated to include information related to new features and fixes since the ActiveTransfer 10.1 release.
The PDF publication Managing File Transfers with webMethods ActiveTransfer has been updated as follows:
*All ActiveTransfer Gateway information has been removed.
*The Command Central information in Chapter 1 “Understanding ActiveTransfer” has been moved to a new chapter 15 “Using Command Central to Manage ActiveTransfer.”
The PDF publication webMethods ActiveTransfer Web Client User’s Guide has been updated to include enhancements for file sharing with external users in Chapter 4, “Sharing Files and Folders.”
A new PDF publication Managing File Transfers with webMethods ActiveTransfer Gateway includes all information related to configuring and managing ActiveTransfer Gateway.
A new PDF publication Managing File Transfers with webMethods ActiveTransfer Agent includes all information related to installing, configuring, and using ActiveTransfer agents.