ActiveTransfer Server 10.15 | Documentation Changes | ActiveTransfer Server | Release 10.7
Release 10.7
*The webMethods ActiveTransfer Quick Start Guide is no longer part of ActiveTransfer product documentation.
The PDF publication Managing File Transfers with webMethods ActiveTransfer and the context-sensitive webhelp is updated with the following content:
*The “Managing Action” chapter now includes a section “Adding a Monitor Folder Action” to describe how to define a monitor folder action to monitor a directory in the local file system or shared file system.
*The “Managing Virtual Folders” chapter which contains the section “Configuring Additional Settings for a Virtual Folder” has been updated to include the changes for the support for Amazon-S3 and Azure storage type.
*The “Managing ActiveTransfer Settings” chapter now includes a new section “Configuring Server Properties” to describe how to configure a property.