ActiveTransfer Server 10.15 | Documentation Changes | ActiveTransfer Server | Release 10.0
Release 10.0
All PDF publications, Managing File Transfers with webMethods ActiveTransfer, webMethods ActiveTransfer Built-In Services Reference, and webMethods ActiveTransfer Web Client User’s Guide have been updated to include information related to new features and fixes since the ActiveTransfer 10.0 release.
The PDF publication Managing File Transfers with webMethods ActiveTransfer has been updated as follows:
*Chapter 2, Configuring webMethods ActiveTransfer, includes a new topic ‘Connecting to HTTP(S) Servers.’ This topic describes how ActiveTransfer interacts with third-party and ActiveTransfer HTTP(S) servers and includes information on the functionalities supported for file transfers to HTTP(S) servers.
*In Chapter 10, Managing Events, the find action, copy or move action procedures have been updated to include user interface changes for the support for third-party HTTP(S) servers.
*Information related to ports, and banning of ports, has been enhanced in Chapter 5, Managing ActiveTransfer Server; Chapter 6, Managing ActiveTransfer Gateway; and Appendix A, Server Configuration Parameters and Variables.
*Appendix A, Server Configuration Parameters and Variables includes two new parameters, mft.client.file.optimizeListing and mft.sharing.account.tempdir.
*In Chapter 4, Preparing to Manage and Monitor ActiveTransfer Server in My webMethods, the topic ‘Searching for Items and Managing Search Results’ includes a new note about limiting the search criteria when exporting search results.
*In Chapter 8, Managing Users and User Groups, the procedural information has been enhanced for Default Ports and Select Servers field options.
*In Chapter 5, Managing ActiveTransfer Server, the procedural information has been enhanced for the option Require Public Key Authentication.