EntireX 10.15 | Added, Removed, Deprecated, or Changed Parameters | Release 9.12
Release 9.12
Added Parameters
*Multiple broker attributes under DEFAULTS=AUTHORIZATION-RULES Use these attributes to define authorization rules in the broker attribute file.
*Multiple security-specific attributes starting with LDAP Use these attributes to define authorization rules stored in an LDAP repository.
*Multiple broker attributes under DEFAULTS=DIV DIV persistent store handling has been streamlined and these new attributes replace format parameters.
*SECURITY-SYSTEM Specifies whether authentication is performed against the local operating system or LDAP repository.
Removed Parameters
*Security-specific broker attributes AUTHENTICATION-TYPE and AUTHORIZATIONRULE Replaced by new DEFAULTS=AUTHORIZATION-RULES section.
*Multiple broker-specific attributes SSL* and TCP*, for example SSL- RESTART Use the corresponding SSL-specific and TCP-specific attributes instead, for example RESTART in the attribute file section DEFAULTS=SSL.