EntireX 10.15 | Added, Removed, Deprecated, or Changed Items | Release 9.10
Release 9.10
Added Items
*Increased platform support EntireX now supports z/OS version 2.2 and Windows 10 Professional and Enterprise 64-bit editions.
*Workbench enhancements
*COBOL program ID and Channel name can now be modified after extraction, using the COBOL Mapping Editor.
*EntireX now uses Eclipse version 4.5.
*EntireX Adapter New connection type "COBOL Converter" introduced to convert IS data structures from/to a bye array representing the COBOL binary data.
*Command Central Enhanced support for EntireX Broker instances running under UNIX or Windows. You can now perform the following operations on EntireX Broker in addition to the operations supported in EntireX version 9.9:
*Configure Application Monitoring
*Configure EntireX Broker Persistent Store
*Configure EntireX Broker Security
*Enable and specify EntireX Broker Trace Level dynamically
*KPIs for CPU time New KPIs are available with Command and Information Services interface for showing amount of CPU time consumed since Broker start. CPU time can also be shown in the Software AG product Optimize for Infrastructure.
*Support for Visual Studio 2012 and 2013 The EntireX .NET Wrapper Wizard now supports Microsoft Visual Studio version 2012 and 2013 in addition to version 2010 already supported.
Removed Items
*Windows 32-bit Operating Systems Software AG no longer supports Windows 32-bit operating systems. However, the following EntireX components are supported for 32-bit applications on Windows 64-bit operating systems:
*EntireX Mini Runtime
*Transaction Object Editor of Broker ActiveX Control
*.NET Wrapper Runtime
*Java Message Service JMS support has been dropped.
*Publish and Subscribe The EntireX Broker communication model Publish and Subscribe is no longer supported. You therefore need to remove the broker attribute PUBLISH-AND-SUBSCRIBE from your broker attribute file, otherwise error ETBE0023 'Unknown attribute PUBLISH-AND-SUBSCRIBE' is returned.
*Swapping out New Units of Work The ability to swap out new units of work that was provided in earlier EntireX versions is now no longer required. The corresponding broker attributes SWAP-OUT-NEW-UOWS and MIN-UOW-CONVERSATIONS-IN-MEMORY are no longer supported and will be ignored.
*Library broker.so Under UNIX, library broker.so has been replaced by library broker.so. Library broker.so was already delivered in earlier EntireX versions and is identical. Make sure you applications use only broker.so.
*SMH Technical Information The System Management Hub Technical Information Agent is no longer delivered.
*SNMP The SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) interface of the System Management Hub is no longer supported.
Deprecated Items
*Direct SSL/TLS Support for Broker Stubs under z/OS Direct SSL/TLS support (using GSK) inside the broker stubs under z/OS will be dropped in the next version. We recommend using IBM's Application Transparent Transport Layer Security (AT-TLS) instead.
*Administration using System Management Hub Administration with SMH (including the batch interface argbatch) will be dropped in the next version of EntireX. The most important functionality will be provided by Command Central.
*Encryption/decryption mechanism provided by EntireX Security We strongly recommend using the Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security protocol.
*Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, 2012, 2013 With the next version of EntireX, the following components will support Microsoft Visual Studio version 2015:
*C Wrapper
*DCOM Wrapper
*. NET Wrapper Wizard for Microsoft Visual Studio
Older versions will no longer be supported.
*WebSphere MQ RPC Server and Listener Support for dynamic IDL/RPC parameters
Changed Items
*Installation Packages The EntireX installation packages have been streamlined and restructured:
*EntireX Broker can now stay running while runtime updates outside EntireX Broker are made.
*Administration and Monitoring functionality has been clearly separated from the runtime parts.
*Mini Runtime is now a separate installation package.
*Examples have been reworked and streamlined.
*EntireX built with Visual Studio 2015 This version of EntireX was built with Microsoft Visual Studio 2015. When you install EntireX components, the necessary Microsoft Redistributable Files are also installed.
*COBOL Wrapper, generic RPC service modules The generic RPC service modules for the following interface types need to be generated with the EntireX Workbench. See COBOL Wrapper documentation for details.
*COBSRVID for CICS with standard linkage calling convention
*COBSRVIB for Batch with standard linkage calling convention