EntireX 10.15 | Added, Removed, Deprecated, or Changed Items | Release 10.3
Release 10.3
Added Items
*Unbounded arrays with COBOL RPC clients Now supported with COBOL 6 on z/OS.
*Mapping COBOL data items to binary In the COBOL Mapping Editor you can now map COBOL data items to IDL binary data.
*Command Central Support for Mainframe Brokers EntireX now supports Command Central for EntireX Brokers running on mainframe platforms.
*Generating REST Resources from Adapter You can now generate REST resources using the EntireX Adapter. All connection types are supported.
*CICS Socket Listener Connection The new Adapter connection type CICS Socket Listener Connection supports all CICS interface types: (DFHCOMMAREA, Channel Container and Large Buffer). CICS Socket Listener Connections use the CICS Socket Listener, a remote connector on z/OS to call CICS mainframe programs.
*Direct Reliable RPC Listener Connection The new Direct Reliable Listener Connection type for the Adapter supports inbound reliable connections using the Direct RPC component.
*Service to generate a RACF PassTicket With the new built-in Adapter service pub.wmentirex.RACFPassTicket:generate you can generate a RACF PassTicket.
*Support for the new product "Adabas Replication Service for webMethods Integration Server" The EntireX Adapter provides support for this product with two new connection types and additional screens in the Integration Server Administration Console.
*Long Broker Password Support Long RPC user IDs and passwords are now supported.
*RACF Password Phrases You can now use RACF password phrases with EntireX Broker and RPC servers under z/OS running with impersonation.
*Application Monitoring
*The following connection types of the EntireX Adapter now support application monitoring: AS/400 Connection and CICS Socket Listener Connection.
*All EntireX RPC servers now support Application Monitoring.
*Docker Support You have a choice of two methods of building a Docker image and running the Docker container: using scripts provided by EntireX, or using Command Central. This functionality is available for the components EntireX Broker, EntireX RPC Server for Java and EntireX RPC Server for XML/SOAP.
*EntireX RPC Server for CICS Socket Listener Allows standard RPC clients to communicate with CICS programs running on IBM CICS®.
*EntireX CICS Socket Listener A remote connector on z/OS to call CICS mainframe programs from the RPC Server for CICS Socket Listener or EntireX Adapter running on a UNIX or Windows platform.
*Docker Support You can build an Docker image and run the Docker container using scripts provided with EntireX for the following EntireX components:
*EntireX Broker
*EntireX RPC Server for Java
*EnrireX RPC Server for XML/SOAP
*Long RPC User ID/Password Support The new ACI Version 12 of Broker supports long passwords and password phrases. The limitation to 32 bytes for password and new password in the ACI no longer applies.
Removed Items
*The EntireX RPC Server for IBM i of EntireX version 7.1.1 running under IBM i (AS/400) No longer supported. We strongly recommend using the RPC Server for AS/400 or the EntireX Adapter.
*Methods getEnvironment(), setEnvironment(String), useCodePage() and useCodePage(Boolean) of the Java class BrokerService The methods are obsolete and deprecated. They have been removed.
Deprecated Items
*Server-side mapping files (SVM) These will be dropped in a future version. We strongly recommend using client-side server mapping files (CVM) for ease-of-use.
*HP-UX Software AG is deprecating support for HP-UX. There will be no new versions of EntireX on HP-UX in future releases.
*EntireX Broker Administration Service Will be dropped in the next version. The most important functionality will be covered adequately with other EntireX components.
Changed Items
*Installation package EntireX > Installation and Monitoring This package is now provided as a new installation node with three subpackages:
*Application Monitoring Data Collector
*Command-line Scripts
*Mainframe Broker Monitoring
*Licensing All EntireX RPC servers under UNIX and Windows now check for a valid license file.
*Enhanced USTATUS Handling By default, ACI request and response strings of USTATUS are now converted with ICU.
*Adapter Listeners When you create or update a listener, missing or necessary services are now generated automatically.
*Enhanced Integration Server to IDL data type mapping There are no more restrictions on the data types used in the Integration Server service.
*OpenSSL EntireX now uses OpenSSL 1.1.0 instead of OpenSSL 1.0.2.