EntireX 10.15 | Added, Removed, Deprecated, or Changed Items | Release 10.7
Release 10.7
Added Items
*Increased platform support EntireX now supports:
*SuSE Linux ES 15 and Red Hat 8 for Intel Linux platforms
*Red Hat 8 under zLinux
*Enhanced CICS support With User Transaction Support, RPC requests run in separate CICS tasks, the user transactions. This, together with a customized name of the user transaction, is useful for accounting purposes.
*Adapter enhancements
*A REST API is now provided to generate Adapter assets via REST.
*EntireX Adapter now supports FIPS-140 compliant SSL communication.
*Security enhancements
*EntireX Broker on z/OS supports authentication of participants with their SSL certificate.
*Parameter fips_mode has been added to enable FIPS-140 compliant SSL communication. This is available for multiple RPC servers, listeners, RPC-ACI Bridge and EntireX Java clients.
*Broker enhancements
*EntireX Broker on z/OS supports authentication of participants with their SSL certificate.
*With Broker attribute POSTPONED-QUEUE you can enable or disable the postponed queue for units of work.
*New CIS version 12 enables you to shut down participants using process ID (JOB-ID on z/OS) and host name.
*New Information Service field VERIFIED-USER-ID returns the user ID verified by the security system.
*With new operating commands FREEZE and RUN you can freeze and resume request processing in EntireX Broker.
*Socket pool management With new environment variables ETB_POOLSIZE and ETB_POOLTIMEOUT you can configure the size of the socket pool and define the maximum wait time for a free TCP/IP connection.
*Special character support
*The following special characters are now additionally supported in IDL group and parameter names: ø, Ø, å, Å.
*If you are extracting from a Natural RPC environment, you can additionally replace special characters ø, Ø, å, Å in Natural parameter names with underscores.
*Trace Utility An additional column Certuid has been introduced between columns Userid and Token. It displays the user ID to which the SSL certificate is assigned. This applies only to RACF under z/OS.
Removed Items
*Micro Focus COBOL EntireX no longer supports Micro Focus COBOL.
*z/VSE support Support for the following EntireX components will end on 31 October 2020 for all EntireX versions (including 9.6, the last released version on z/VSE):
*EntireX Broker under z/VSE We strongly recommend using EntireX Broker on a Linux or Windows platform.
*EntireX RPC Server for z/VSE CICS We strongly recommend using the EntireX RPC Server for CICS Socket Listener.
*EntireX RPC Server for z/VSE Batch No replacement.
*SVM Files at Design Time in Software AG Designer Server-side mapping files (SVM) in the Software AG Designer are no longer supported. SVM files can no longer be created by the IDL Extractor for COBOL and by the COBOL Wrapper. We strongly recommend using client-side server mapping files (CVM). To migrate server-side mapping files (SVM) to client-side server mapping files (CVM), see Migrating Server Mapping Files under Server Mapping Files for COBOL in the EntireX Software AG Designer.
*Direct SSL/TLS Support for Broker under z/OS Direct SSL/TLS support (using GSK) inside the Broker under z/OS is no longer supported. We strongly recommend using IBM's Application Transparent Transport Layer Security (AT-TLS) instead.
*AIX support AIX version 7.1 is no longer supported. EntireX still supports AIX version 7.2.
Deprecated Items
*Solaris v.11.3 The original provider of the operating system Solaris (Oracle) strongly recommends to upgrade from version 11.3 to 11.4 as of now. In order to provide for enough time for Software AG customers to react to the upgrade policy of Oracle for Solaris versions after v.11.3, production environments based on Software AG products of this October 2020 release will in general continue to work without the immediate need to upgrade. However, Software AG customer support will only handle issues for Software AG products that can be reproduced in a Solaris v.11.4 environment. All newer versions of Software AG products AFTER the October 2020 release will no longer work with Solaris v.11.3. Software AG therefore strongly recommends to address necessary migration steps timely.
*SVM files at runtime in RPC servers Support for server-side mapping files (SVM) in the EntireX RPC Servers for CICS ECI, IMS Connect, CICS, Batch and IMS, together with the Deployment Wizard, will be dropped in a future version. We strongly recommend using client-side server mapping files (CVM). To migrate server-side mapping files (SVM) to client-side server mapping files (CVM), see Migrating Server Mapping Files under Server Mapping Files for COBOL in the EntireX Software AG Designer documentation for prerequisites and steps.
*Persistent Store Version less than 5 Persistent Stores with PSTORE-VERSION less than 5 will no longer be supported in the next EntireX version.
*PSTORE-LOAD/UNLOAD The options PSTORE-LOAD and PSTORE-UNLOAD of Broker-specific attribute RUN-MODE will no longer be supported in the next EntireX version.
*CentOS-07 CentOS-07 will no longer be supported in the next EntireX version.
Changed Items
*Designer In the EntireX perspective, the deprecated Navigator view has been replaced by the Project Explorer view.
*Timestamp handling
New Broker CIS interface version 12:
New field CREATE-TIME-CL32 replaces deprecated field CREATE-TIME, which can only handle timestamps up to January 2038.
*SSL/TLS changes Existing SSL functionality has changed as follows:
*The ACI function SETSSLPARMS no longer applies to all threads. Instead, this function needs to be performed for each thread to create an SSL connection to the broker.
See Broker ACI Functions in the EntireX documentation.
*When you use SSL transport, socket pooling is switched off (environment variable ETB_SOCKETPOOL=OFF).
See Support of Clustering in a High Availability Scenario in the respective z/OS | UNIX | Windows sections of the EntireX documentation.