EntireX 10.15 | Added, Removed, Deprecated, or Changed Items | Release 10.8
Release 10.8
Added Items
*Security enhancements
*Default password handling. For greater security, default password handling has been enhanced for Software AG products that are installed with the SAG Installer. On the Administrator Password panel, enter a default product administrator password for the products you are installing, and choose whether to require the password to be changed on first product login.
*PassTicket support. PassTickets are now supported for connections to CICS ECI and IMS Connect with the EntireX Adapter and the respective RPC servers.
*Encrypted Password for ETBINFO and ETBCMD. Security for command-line utilities ETBINFO and ETBCMD under UNIX and Windows has been enhanced. Instead of specifying a cleartext password when you call a secure broker, you can now encrypt a password and store this in a file.
*Encrypted Password for EntireX Monitoring Scripts. Password encryption is also available for EntireX monitoring scripts.
*EntireX Adapter enhancements
*CICS ECI and IMS Connect Connections Support PassTickets. Additional fields are provided to define an application name and a secured signon key. This means you can use a RACF PassTicket instead of a password.
*Command Central enhancements
*Administrating EntireX Mainframe Broker Monitoring. You can now administer EntireX Mainframe Broker Monitoring in Command Central. You can enable and disable the monitoring of the real mainframe broker (z/OS and BS2000) from within Command Central running under UNIX or Windows. This feature is particularly useful for major configuration changes in the mainframe environment, for example changing the user password.
*User Transaction ID field for CICS Socket Listener. User Transaction ID has been added as an additional field for CICS Socket Listener.
*Location of EntireX Broker Trace File. You can now change the directory of the EntireX Broker trace file.
*Designer enhancements
*New Default Interface Type for IDL Extractor for COBOL. 'CICS with Standard Linkage Calling Convention' is now the default client interface type for the IDL Extractor for COBOL. The previous default, 'CICS with DFHCOMMAREA Calling Convention' has multiple restrictions regarding API calls, for example:
*maximum length 32 KB
*no unlimited unbounded array
*no long user ID/password
These restrictions do not apply to the new default.
*Supported Microsoft Visual Studio Versions. C Wrapper and DCOM Wrapper now support Visual Studio 2019 in addition to 2017. Visual Studio 2015 is no longer supported. EntireX now supports Eclipse version 4.19 provided by the webMethods suite.
*EntireX RPC Server enhancements
*RPC Server for IMS Connect supports RACF PassTicket. Additional fields are provided to define a secured signon key. With the application name and the newly provided secured signon key, you can now use a RACF PassTicket instead of password.
*RPC Server for CICS ECI supports RACF PassTicket. Additional fields are provided to define a secured signon key. With the application name and the newly provided secured signon key, you can now use a RACF PassTicket instead of password.
*Trace Utility
*Two additional columns Pid and Tid have been introduced. They display the process ID and the thread ID of each request to the broker.
*New profiles are provided for command-line utility ETBINFO. These produce a more structured output that is easier to understand.
Removed Items
*EntireX RPC Server for IBM i As announced in EntireX Version 10.1, the EntireX RPC Server for IBM i of EntireX version 7.1.1 running under IBM i (AS/400) is no longer supported. However, for technical reasons the RPC server is still included in the package.
*For inbound scenarios to AS/400, use either the EntireX Adapter or the EntireX RPC Server for IBM AS/400.
*For outbound scenarios, continue using the respective broker stub.
*Building a Docker Image using Command Central It is no longer possible to build an EntireX Docker image using Command Central.
*Support of AIX und Sun Solaris SPARC The platforms AIX and Sun Solaris SPARC are no longer supported.
*Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Visual Studio 2015 is no longer supported. Use Visual Studio 2019, which is now supported in EntireX 10.8, or 2017 instead.
Deprecated Item
*Platform consolidation - BS2000 Adabas and Natural are consolidating and streamlining platform support. With EntireX the platform BS2000 is affected by retirements. The final version to support BS2000 will be EntireX 10.3 with the following retirement schedule:
*BS2000 11.0 FTS
End of Maintenance: Dec. 31, 2023
End of Sustained Support: Dec. 31, 2024
*BS2000 10.0 FTS
End of Maintenance: March 31, 2022
End of Sustained Support: March 31, 2022
*SVM Files at Runtime in RPC Servers Support for server-side mapping files (SVM) in the EntireX RPC Servers for CICS ECI, IMS Connect, CICS, Batch and IMS, together with the Deployment Wizard, will be dropped in a future version. We strongly recommend using client-side server mapping files (CVM).
*PSTORE-LOAD/UNLOAD The options PSTORE-LOAD and PSTORE-UNLOAD of Broker-specific attribute RUN-MODE will no longer be supported in the next EntireX version.
*Persistent Store Version less than 5 Persistent Stores with PSTORE-VERSION less than 5 are no longer supported.
*CentOS CentOS is no longer supported.