Event Routing 10.15 | Known Issues
Known Issues
This section lists any issues for the current release that were known when this readme was published. For known issues found later, go to the Knowledge Center on the Empower website.
Event Routing might not deliver events to the correct service group when a configuration change coincides with the first event being sent by the client application.
Event Routing enables the administrator to define one or more services to which events can be sent. Services are grouped together as a set of one or more services. Each product runtime where Event Routing is used has a default service group. Any event types that are not explicitly associated with a custom service group are associated with the default group. However, if the administrator modifies the event type association configuration at the same time when a client application sends its first event of a particular event type, Event Routing might fail to deliver the events.
Note: This issue does not occur if the client application has already sent events of the particular event type.
As a workaround, make sure to stop the server runtime and restart it after the event type association configuration updates are completed.