Developer Portal 10.15 | Added, Removed, Deprecated, or Changed Items | Release 10.11
Release 10.11
Added Items
*Support to import REST and SOAP APIs
*REST API import using Swagger, Open API, and RAML
*SOAP API import using WSDL.
*Support to publish REST, SOAP, and OData APIs.
*Options to sort, view, APIs, and API details from the API gallery page.
*Support to edit API definition and details.
*Support to version APIs.
*Administration configurations
*Options to specify following user onboarding configurations: LDAP, SAML, OAuth, and native user registration
*Options to configure SMTP settings, User account settings, Email notification templates configuration.
*Webhooks Support to create and manage webhooks to notify external systems about the events that are generated in Developer Portal.
*Providers Add and manage different kind of providers like API Gateway providers and other external providers.
*API Gateway integration Support to publish APIs, Plans, and Packages from API Gateway.
*Analytics Dashboards for good insights on various topics like User analytics, API trends, API and Application analytics.
*Support to customize the UI as per the customers requirement via the Developer Portal UI, web components, or using REST APIs.
*Support to organize and group different users and APIs to control the access of assets.
*Option to assign default user community to new users.
*Option to add or remove users from communities.
*To manage consumer applications and APIs associated with them.
*Support to request the required tokens for the APIs published from APIs and test the API resources.